
  1. 金扫帚奖是由影评人程青松和他的《青年电影手册》主办发起的,是唯一一个为年度最差影片颁发的奖项。

    Founded by film critic Cheng Qingsong and his Youth Film Handbook magazine , the Golden Broom is the only film award aimed at bad Chinese films .

  2. 虽然“金扫帚奖”自成立起并未得到来自政府或行业组织的任何干预,但《青年电影手册》主编兼该奖项的组织者程青松在接受《环球时报》采访时表示,“金扫帚奖”的最大困难便是缺乏赞助商支持。

    Though the Golden Broom event has not seen any interference from government or industry organizations since it was first established , Cheng Qingsong , chief editor of Youth Film Handbook and the awards ' organizer , told the Global Times that a lack of sponsors has been a problem .