
  1. 安徽某高速公路上跨与下穿设计方案对比分析

    Comparison between Span and Down-traversing of Certain Freeway in Anhui Province

  2. 安徽省高速公路总公司进行了一次识别假币技能比赛,收费站工作人员比赛谁能把假币从真钞中甄别出来。

    The highway authority in Anhui province launched a campaign against counterfeit money , pitting toll gate workers against each other in a contest to distinguish real notes from fakes .

  3. 根据以上思路,本文给出各评价对象的评价指标,并且以安徽省高速公路路网的实际数据为例进行路网分析评价。

    According to the above thoughts , evaluation criteria of the evaluation objects is presented in the assay . Anhui province highway network actual data is used to evaluate highway network system .

  4. 318国道安徽段高速公路原为白色路面,至2003年损坏严重,高速公路公司决定将白色路面改造为黑色路面。

    The cement concrete pavement of the Anhui section of No. 318 national artery had been distressed seriously by 2003 . So the expressway company decided to rebuild the pavement by paving asphalt concrete surface .

  5. 通过对HAS土壤固化剂的室内实验研究,并结合安徽某高速公路的现场施工,介绍了HAS土壤固化剂在淤泥改性做路基的性能特点,及其在实际应用中的可行性和优越性。

    Through the indoors experiment with HAS soil 's solidifying agent and the site construction of a highway in Anhui province , the paper presents this agent 's function and characteristics in the roadbed 's modification , and feasibility and superiority in practical application .

  6. 安徽庐铜高速公路泥炭质土的研究及处理

    Research and Processing of Peat Soil in Anhui Lutong Expressway

  7. 通过对安徽庐铜高速公路(枞阳段)泥炭质土的检测工作,介绍了泥炭质土的工程性质、含泥炭层软土路堤稳定和沉降分析以及水泥搅拌泥炭质土的特性等。

    The paper introduces the engineering characteristics of peat soil , the analysis of the stabilization and the settlement of the embankment of peat soil as well as the cement agitation peat soil and so on , which may supply references to other projects .

  8. 安徽省交通集团高速公路收费站员工需求情况调查和激励措施分析

    Needs Survey and Motivation Suggestions for Toll Staff of Anhui Traffic Communication Corporation Group

  9. 结合安徽省铜黄高速公路汤屯五标的桥梁施工进行了分析,可供桥梁预应力短索张拉的施工参考。

    Taken some section from Tong-Huang expressway construction in Anhui province , analysis is made on the bridge construction , which can be covered in the similar engineering .

  10. 课题以安徽省埠宁高速公路高边坡路堑爆破开挖为研究对象,重点分析了影响爆破效果的参数及其合理的施工顺序。

    We research the digging of blasting in the Chu-Ning expressway high slope cutting of Anhui Province , factors of influence the parameter of blasting result and choose rational working procedure .