
  1. ASTEC连续式双滚筒沥青混凝土拌和设备被允许在广东高速公路推广使用

    ASTEC Continuous dual drums asphalt mixing equipment is permitted to use in expressway construction Guangdong province

  2. 广东高速公路沥青路面裂缝病害分布规律及特点的调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on the Rules and Characteristics of Crack Distribution about Asphalt Pavement in Guangdong Province

  3. 广东开阳高速公路不良土质改良的施工工艺与质量控制

    Construction Technology and Quality Control of Bad Soil in Kaiyang Freeway

  4. 浅析广东山区高速公路景观设计

    Analysis of Landscape Design of Expressways in Mountainous Areas in Guangdong

  5. 广东省高速公路建设融资风险管理研究

    Research on Financing Risk Management of Expressway Construction of Guangdong Province

  6. 广东省高速公路骨干通信网联网实施

    Implementation of the Backbone Communication Network for Expressways in Guangdong Province

  7. 广东省高速公路服务区经营管理的实践与发展构想

    A Practice and Conception of Guangdong Expressway Service Station Management

  8. 广东省高速公路是中国华南地区重要的交通枢纽。

    Guangdong Provincial Expressway in southern China is an important transport hub .

  9. 广东省高速公路沥青面层矿料级配设计探讨

    Exploration on Guangdong Provincial Expressway Asphalt Surface Course Mineral Aggregate Gradation Design

  10. 橡胶沥青在广东地区高速公路中的应用

    The application of rubber pitch in highway in Guangdong province

  11. 广东省高速公路运营管理信息系统的设计

    Design of Guangdong Freeway Operation and Management Information System

  12. 浅析广东省高速公路联网收费实施方案

    Approach on Guangdong Provincial Expressway Networking Toll Collection Scheme

  13. 其中广东省高速公路约3000公里。

    The Guangdong Provincial Expressway is about 3000 km .

  14. 浅析广东某高速公路路面破损原因及处理措施

    Discussion on reasons and protecting measures of a highway road surface damage in Guangdong

  15. 广东省高速公路数据库系统的设计思路

    The Design Thought of Guangdong Expressway Database System

  16. 结合广东开阳高速公路对监理招标的特点、管理方法进行了探讨。

    The paper discussed the characteristics . management methods of invitation for tender of Guangdong Kaiyang Freeway supervision .

  17. 结合相关的理论建立了广东省高速公路机电备件三级库存管理模式。

    Combined with the theory of the Guangdong Provincial Expressway three-level inventory mechanical and electrical spare parts inventory management .

  18. 广东省高速公路客服中心项目于2007年11月开始实施,初定于2008年2月完工。

    GuangDong province Highway Contact Center project was planed to start in November 2007 and completed in February 2008 .

  19. 论述高压旋喷桩的机理、设计方法、施工关键技术及其在广东某高速公路路基灾害治理中的应用。

    The mechanism , design method , and key construction technique of high-pressure rotary jet grouted pile , together with its application in defects treatment of an expressway subgrade are expounded .

  20. 通过成本效益、人员成本、竞争机制等方面对现有营运管理模式进行了类比,并就目前广东省高速公路营运管理效果进行了总体分析。

    Through cost-effective , personnel costs , competition and other aspects of business management model on the existing analogy , Guangdong Provincial Expressway on the current operating management of the overall effect .

  21. 详细介绍了广东地区高速公路排水系统的设计,包括路基排水、路面排水、路面结构层排水、结构物排水。

    A detailed introduction is given to design of drainage system for expressway in Guangdong area , including subgrade drainage , road surface drainage , pavement structural course drainage , and structure drainage .

  22. 论文提出的方法和技术为广东省高速公路路径识别系统的实施打下了坚实的基础,对全国各省市高速公路解决联网收费环境下多义性路径的识别难题具有借鉴和推广意义。

    Methods and techniques proposed for the regional highway in western Guangdong path identification system laid a solid foundation for the implement of the national provincial highway network charge store solve ambiguous path environment , the identification and promotion of significant problems .

  23. 通过针对广东省高速公路管理现状,分析现阶段我省高速公路管理中存在的一些主要问题,从养护、收费、路政管理、设施建设、体制等方面提出一些建议。

    Aiming at the actuality of the management of highway engineering in Guangdong Province , this paper analyzes the main problems , and put up some countermeasures in the aspects of maintenance , charge , pavement management , establishment construction , system , etc.

  24. 纵观广东省高速公路的发展和演进,高速公路发展的实践证明,高速公路是一个管理主体多元、管理内容广泛、管理程序复杂的领域,其营运管理模式的确定需要一个较长的过程。

    Throughout the Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development and evolution of highway development in practice has proved that the main highway is a diversified management , management of extensive , complex areas of business management models to determine their need for a longer process .

  25. 广东省某高速公路段桥梁上部结构加固设计

    The some superhighway bridge upper part construction reinforce design in Guangdong province

  26. 广东省某高速公路工程放射性环境影响评价

    Radioactive environmental impact assessment for a highway construction project in Guangdong province

  27. 体积法设计沥青混合料在广东西部沿海高速公路中的应用

    Application of Volume Method for Bituminous Mixture Design of the Western Coast Expressway

  28. 广东西部沿海高速公路珠海段隧道洞口景观设计

    Tunnel Entrances Landscape Design for Zhuhai Section of Western Coastal Expressway in Guangdong Province

  29. 最后,结合广东渝湛高速公路(粤境段)的实际情况,对处理路面径流的人工湿地的设计方法进行了探讨,突出体现了其与普通城市污水处理的差异性。

    Last , combined with Yu-Zhan Expressway in Guangdong Province , the design technique of the artificial wet land for pavement run-off pollution treatment are presented .

  30. 路面基层压实度现场测试中的非理想因素分析&以广东西部沿海高速公路新会段为例

    Imperfect factor analysis of field measurement for the pavement base compactness ∶ xinhui sect of freeway along the sea in the western part of Guangdong Province as an example