
  1. 山东高速公路服务区发展第三方物流的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on the Third-party Logistics Development of Shandong Province Expressway Service Zone

  2. 最后,构建出我国高速公路企业社会责任指标评价体系和评价模型,并以山东高速公路股份有限公司为研究对象进行了实证分析,给出研究结论。

    Finally , the construction of the evaluation system and evaluation model highway in China corporate social responsibility indicators , Shandong Expressway Company Limited to conduct an empirical study , given the research conclusion .

  3. 对山东省高速公路服务区发展第三方物流的外部环境与内部条件进行系统、全面、深入地分析,采用SWOT分析法综合评价山东省高速公路服务区拓展物流服务功能的可行性。

    The paper applies systematic SWOT analysis to external environment and internal condition of expressway service zone developing third-party logistics .

  4. 山东省高速公路联网收费系统的建设

    Construction of the On-line Toll System along the Expressway in Shangdong Province

  5. 山东省高速公路网布局规划研究

    Layout Planning Studies of Expressway Networks in Shandong Province

  6. 山东省高速公路管理系统研究

    Research on Shandong Highway Management System

  7. 山东济泰高速公路大型路堑边坡预应力锚索加固

    The prestressed anchor rope stabilization of large scale cut slope for Shandong ji ′ nan-tai ′ an Expressway

  8. 山东省高速公路服务区实施第三方物流发展方案的措施与建议。

    The practical measures and suggestions for Shandong province expressway service zone to carry out the third-party logistics proposal .

  9. 经开发得到的电子收费系统已在山东东营高速公路收费站得到了成功应用,极大地提高了高速公路收费站的综合管理水平。

    The highway electronic toll collection system after developing has been successfully implemented in a highway toll station . Greatly raise the integrated management level of highway toll station .

  10. 在可行性论证的基础上,提出山东省高速公路服务区发展第三方物流的功能定位、指导思想、业务模式、发展步骤、具体方案。

    Based on feasibility study , the paper puts forward the function positioning , business pattern , site selection plan and specific proposal of Shandong province expressway service zone developing third-party logistics .

  11. 它的建设对于加快国家及山东省高速公路网的形成,完善和优化区域公路网布局,改善行车条件,具有重要意义。

    The construction of its National Highway and Shandong Provincial Expressway is of great significance to speed up network , improve and optimize the layout of the regional road network and improve traffic conditions .

  12. 介绍了山东省高速公路管理的现状,提出了山东省高速公路管理系统的设计构想,在此基础上,进一步指出了该管理系统的分阶段实施意见。

    This article introduces the present situation of management and present the design plot of Shandong Province freeway management system . The author goes a step further and puts forward the implement opinion of this management system .

  13. 本文最后,结合山东省高速公路路网的实际结构,分析路网交通量随时间和空间变化的情况,确定路网上的交通量分布密度,通过高速公路运量增长分析,探讨路网结构变化对交通量的影响。

    At the last , combined with the real network structure of Shandong freeway , the traffic variety is analyzed according to the period of time and the impact is analyzed due to the change of highway construction .

  14. 针对山东省高速公路管理存在的问题,提出了高速公路管理的原则,并重点论述了高速公路主要管理系统的选择和建设。

    With respect to the problems existing in the management of Shandong highway system , some basic principles are put forward in highway managing in this article emphasis is focused on the choice and construction of the highway management system .

  15. 荣文高速公路项目是国家高速公路网规划中横4荣成-乌海线的组成部分,也是山东省高速公路网的重要组成部分。

    Its evaluation findings provides an important basis for decision making of the project . Rong-Wen National Highway project is the important component of the Central Cross-Island Highway Network Planning 4 RongCheng - Wuhai Line and the Shandong Provincial Expressway Net .

  16. 本文从市场营销的角度,结合山东省高速公路有限责任公司(下简称山东高速)的实际,运用战略营销的理念和服务市场营销的理论,对上述问题进行了研究。

    From the point of the marketing , together with the actual situation of SEC ( Shandong Expressway Co. , Ltd. ) , this paper makes a study on the problems mentioned above based on the ideal of Strategic Marketing and on the theory of Service Marketing .

  17. 结合山东省滨博高速公路淄博分离立交桥架梁施工的实际,介绍了DF35/80型架桥机性能、适用范围、施工方法、注意事项及经济技术比较等。

    Combined with the practice , the paper introduced the performance . scope , construction method and technical contrast etc. of DF35 / 80 ⅲ bridge girders erection equipment .

  18. 为了处理好高速公路收费站规模与通行能力间的矛盾,山东省乃至全国高速公路管理部门都在逐步实施不停车收费系统收费方式。

    Highway toll station to handle the traffic capacity of the scale and the conflict between Shandong Province and the National Highway authorities are gradually implementing electronic toll collection system , charging method .

  19. 从山东省自然条件、社会经济状况出发,分析了山东省高速公路发展现状及存在的问题,在山东省高速公路网规划的基本原则及思路的基础上,提出了山东省高速公路网的规划设想方案。

    Proceeding from the natural conditions and the social economic status in Shandong province , this paper analyzes the developing situations and existing problems of the expressways and proposes the tentative scheme of the expressway network planning in Shandong province on the basis of its basic principle and thinking .