
  1. 山西高速公路工程招标评标办法报价分析

    The quoting analysis of Shanxi express highway engineering tendering and its assessment method

  2. 山西高速公路沿线黄土滑坡分类及分布规律研究

    Study on Classification and Distribution Regulations of Loess Slope Slides along Highway in Shanxi Province

  3. 结合山西高速公路养护管理工作的实践,探讨了养护管理工作质量检查评定标准的看法和意见。

    Compared with work experience of Shanxi provincial freeway maintenance management , the paper discussed the idea and advice of quality evaluation standard of maintenance management work .

  4. 以山西高速公路大同管理中心办公楼工程为例,较为详细地介绍了换土垫层的质量控制。

    Taking the engineering of the office building of Datong Superhighway Administration Center as the example , this paper makes more detailed introduction of the quality control of underlayer replacement .

  5. 山西高速公路沿线大雾天气特征及预报服务因为多普勒雷达探测到的仅仅是风矢量在径向上的分量。

    Foggy Weather Feature and Forecast along the Line of Shanxi Speedway A Doppler radar only measures the component of the velocity in the line of sight , the so-called radial velocity .

  6. 山西省高速公路准六车道设计探讨

    The Study on Quasi-Six Lane Design of Expressway in Shanxi Province

  7. 山西省高速公路滑坡防治方案探讨

    The Study on Treatment Plan of Expressway Slide in Shanxi Province

  8. 山西省高速公路路政执法中存在的问题与对策

    The Problem and Countermeasure of Road Management in Enforcing the Law

  9. 浅谈山西省高速公路交通安全设施的设置

    Talking about Setup of Traffic Safety Facilities of Superhighway in Shanxi

  10. 山西省高速公路联网收费计算机网络系统分析

    Analysis on Shanxi 's Superhighway Online Computer Network Charging System

  11. 山西省高速公路智能交通建设与展望

    The Construction and Prospects of Shanxi Provincial Expressway Intelligent Transportation

  12. 山西省高速公路综合指挥调度系统方案研究

    Study on Project of Integrated Control and Command System for Shan'xi Expressway

  13. 山西省高速公路不同滑坡类型的贡献率研究

    Contribution Rate Research of Landslide Type of Shanxi Express way

  14. 山西省高速公路软弱地基工程地质特性

    The Characteristics of Engineering Geology for Expressway Soft Subgrade

  15. 山西省高速公路管理局网络财务管理信息系统的实现

    Implementation of Network Financial Management Information System in Shanxi Province Highway Management Office

  16. 山西省高速公路滑坡勘察、评价与处治设计

    The Survey , Evaluation and Treatment Design of Expressway Slide in Shanxi Province

  17. 山西省高速公路建设与生态环境保护

    Shanxi Province Highway Construction and Ecological Environmental Protection

  18. 山西省高速公路沥青路面结构形式调研与分析

    Research and Analysis on the Structural Forms of Superhighway 's Asphalt Pavement in Shanxi Province

  19. 同时,山西省高速公路上市也需要政策支持,包括盈利的政策支持措施和风险保障的政策支持。

    At the same time , Shanxi province highway listed also needs policy support , including profit policy support measures and risk guarantee policy support .

  20. 山西省高速公路管理局率先在全国实现了全省高速公路机电三大系统联网,视频局域网的实现方式具有多种方案,从可行性、运营性、经济性上综合考虑应有一个较理想的方案。

    The realizing way of video network is various . From the feasibility , operation and economy etc. , the paper discussed an ideal plan .

  21. 通过高速公路路政执法的工作实践,就山西省高速公路路政执法现状进行了分析研究,指出了高速公路路政执法中存在的问题。

    Combined with the work practice , the author analyzed the current situation of Shanxi provincial expressway road management in enforcing the law , proposed some problem .

  22. 希望通过这些建议促使山西省高速公路建设能够取得长足的发展,有效带动山西省经济的全面腾飞。

    We hope that these suggestions can make Shanxi province highway construction to obtain great progress , effectively drives Shanxi to save economy fly in the round .

  23. 介绍了山西省高速公路收费、监控、通信三大机电系统组织机构、系统功能及特点,并进一步阐述了山西省高速公路智能交通的发展方向和思路。

    The paper introduced the organization , system function and characteristics of mechanical electronic system , and discussed the development and thought of Shanxi provincial expressway intelligent transportation .

  24. 所得分析结论与实际情况吻合较好,可为以后山西省高速公路的规划建设提供借鉴参考。

    The conclusion conforms to the reality , so this paper can provide idea and reference to planning and construction of expressway in Shanxi province in the future .

  25. 结合山西省高速公路建设的工程实际,初步探讨了目前高速公路边沟排水与美化设计的基本原则,提出能更好地满足边沟排水的设想。

    By analyzing expressway side ditch design , combined with the engineering practice , the paper discussed the basic principle of side ditch drainage and beautification design for meeting with side ditch drainage plan .

  26. 根据有关设计规范,对山西省高速公路的交通安全设施设置情况进行了总结,对存在的问题进行了分析并提出了改进建议,为今后相关问题的解决提供了参考。

    According to relational criteria , this paper sums up setup situation of the traffic safety facilities of superhighway in Shanxi , analyzes on problems existing , puts forward improving the proposals for purpose of providing reference for solving similar problems in future .

  27. 山西太长高速公路分布式信息发布系统设计与实现

    The Design & Realization of Distributed Information Release System for Taichang Express Shanxi

  28. 通过介绍山西省“高速公路养护管理系统”的开发与应用情况,旨在尽快使我省高速公路养护管理达到科学化、信息化、自动化目标。

    The paper introduced the development and application of Expressway Maintenance Management System for reference .

  29. 本文是以山西省长晋高速公路顺层岩质滑坡治理工程作为背景的。

    The study background is the engine harness of bedding rock landslide of Changzhi-Jincheng express highway .

  30. 根据山西京大高速公路水泥混凝土路面热熔标线的破损情况,进行了原因分析并提出了对策。

    According to the damage situation of cement concrete pavement torching mark , the paper analyzed the cause and proposed the countermeasure for reference .