
  1. 北京高速公路出入口智能化交通系统的应用

    Introduce Intelligent Transportation System From Traffic Jam of Express Highway

  2. 根据对北京高速公路不同植被的温、湿度的测定结果,结合其它生态效益的综合作用表明:高速公路绿地能够发挥最大生态效益的绿化模式顺序是乔灌草>灌草>藤本>草本。

    The determination of temperature and humidity on Beijing highway greenbelt was made . The results along with other ecological benefits show the gradation of greening patterns which can exert best ecological benefits : arbor with shrub and herbage > shrub with herbage > vine > herbage .

  3. 为了迎接2008年奥运会,探讨北京市高速公路发展不停车电子收费系统(ETC)的必要性与紧迫性显得尤为重要。

    For the 2008 Olympic Games , it makes all the difference to research on the necessity and urgency of developing electronics toll collection for Beijing highway .

  4. 最后,对北京市高速公路绿化管理系统的具体功能进行了介绍。

    Beijing highway greening management systems for specific functions .

  5. 北京地区高速公路夏季道面高温灾害预报研究

    Summer Road Temperature Disaster Forecast of Expressway in Beijing

  6. 北京市高速公路收费方式研究

    Study on BeiJing Freeway Toll Mode

  7. 基于M/G/K排队模型的北京地区高速公路收费站通行能力研究

    The Capacity of Expressway Toll-Gate on the Basis of M / G / K Queuing Model in Beijing Region

  8. 本研究在分析国内外关于高速公路收费站通行能力研究的基础上,理性分析了北京市高速公路收费站的交通流特性,确定了研究所采用的研究方法和研究步骤。

    On the basis of analysising the history of research on freeway toll-gate capacity in the world , in this paper , the traffic flow characters of freeway toll-gate were reasoningly analyzed in Beijing , and then , the methods and steps were fixed .

  9. 但如果开车从广州出发到北京,仅仅是高速公路的过路费,就已经高达1400元人民币。

    However , if the car starting from Guangzhou to Beijing , only highway tolls , it has been as high as1400 yuan .

  10. 因为大雾,北京-天津-塘沽和北京-上海高速公路的天津段被封闭了。

    Tianjin sections of Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu and Beijing-Shanghai expressways were closed in the morning because of the fog .

  11. 北京四环路项目把进出北京的八条高速公路联系在一起,形成了环状加辐射型的高速公路网。

    Beijing 's Fourth Ring Road is crossed by the city 's eight expressways and forms with them a high-speed , both circular and radiating road network .