- 网络dendrolimus houi lajonquiere;Dendrolimuslatipennis

Dendrolimus houi Lajonquiere is a serious pest of the Cryptomeria ( Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk ) in Fujian Province .
Study on Integrated Utilization of Pine Moth Pupa
Various corn borer microsporozoites were used to feed and soak Dendrolimus honi larvae at the instar of 1,2,4 and 7 for infecting them .
This was the first time that people cultured the egg and larva tissues ofDendrolimns kikuchii Matsumura of Yunnan in vitro in and out of China .
According to quadrate investigation , using aggregation index , we measured the spatial distribution pattern , set the optimum sampling relationship , and made the sequential sampling analysis .
It was deduced from the life table that population number was significantly affected by the natural and environmental factors , the death rate of the first generation and overwintering generation were 99 76 % and 99 88 % respectively .