
  • 网络East Village;Higashi
  1. 她居住在纽约东村一幢公寓楼5层的一间没有电梯直达的狭小公寓里。

    She lives in a tiny fifth floor walk-up in New York 's East Village .

  2. 东村(EastVillage)没有电梯的一套公寓,这套公寓的浴缸在厨房里;

    the East Village walk-up with the bathtub in the kitchen ;

  3. 这点同样适用于DeRobertisPasticceriaandCaffe等商铺。这家咖啡馆已经在东村(EastVillage)持续经营了110个年头,最近刚刚关门歇业。

    The same is true for shops such as De Robertis Pasticceria and Caffe in the East Village , which just closed after a 110-year run .

  4. 圣代和圆筒冰激凌店(SundaesandCones)最初在布鲁克林,后来搬到了东村。

    Sundaes and Cones started out in Brooklyn , before moving to the East Village .

  5. 明年,惠特尼美术馆(Whitney)将为东村肮脏艺术第一人大卫·沃伊纳洛维茨(DavidWojnarowicz)举办15年来的首场回顾展;

    Next year , the Whitney will mount the first retrospective of David Wojnarowicz , the ultimate East Village grunge artist , in over 15 years ;

  6. 白天,凯恩在格林尼治村帕特丽夏·菲尔德(PatriciaField)的时装精品店的假发部工作,晚上,她和布拉德福德在东村的男孩酒吧(BoyBar)以及切尔西的隧道酒吧(Tunnel)表演。

    Ms. Cayne worked by day at the wig bar at Patricia Field 's boutique in Greenwich Village , and performed by night with Ms. Bradford at Boy Bar in the East Village and the Tunnel in Chelsea .

  7. 尽管如此,我仍接受如此观点:本人几年前在纽约东村(EastVillage)某时髦商场购买的那个背包,对于那些在伦敦金融城(City)上班或是参加某重要面试、希望遭人高看者来说,也许并非最佳行头。

    Still , I accepted the point that perhaps my particular rucksack , purchased from a hip East Village emporium a few years ago , was not the best for someone who wants to be taken seriously in the City or during an important interview .

  8. 最后一站:约翰尼空气市场(JohnnyAirMart)。它是东村的一个菲律宾市场。来这里是为了得到一杯木兰冰激凌(Magnolia),它是一个菲律宾裔美国家庭经营的加利福尼亚公司生产的。

    One last stop : Johnny Air Mart , a Filipino market in the East Village , for a tub of Magnolia ice cream , produced by a California-based company run by a Filipino-American family .

  9. 肯尼思·奈(KennethNye)2001年在纽约东村开了第九街意式咖啡馆(NinthStreetEspresso),他不堪忍受那些深信自己知道什么是“正宗”卡布奇诺的顾客,去掉了菜单上所有饮品的名称。

    Kenneth Nye , who founded the East Village cafe Ninth Street Espresso in 2001 , grew so sick of customers " insistence on what they believed to be a " real " cappuccino that he removed all the drink names from his menus .

  10. 还有一批初级专家,比如东村MimiCheng’sDumplings餐厅的汉娜和玛丽安·郑(HannahandMarianCheng),那里的饺子是用可持续性的肉类做成的,从农场到餐桌的蔬菜配菜是按照她们台湾妈妈的食谱做成的;

    There is also a junior class of specialists , like Hannah and Marian Cheng of Mimi Cheng 's Dumplings in the East Village , where the dumplings are made from sustainable meat and served with farm-to-table vegetable sides from their Taiwanese mother 's recipes ;

  11. 幸运的是,今年的葡萄最远只需运至阿东村(Adong),它在4座村庄中海拔最高,如今这儿正在兴建酒厂与客栈。

    This year , with luck , they will travel only as far as Adong , the highest village , where the winery and lodge are being built .

  12. 东村壁画冰激凌店(FrescoGelateria)的希腊裔店主用漂亮的淡羊乳酪无花果冰激凌来向自己的祖籍致敬,羊乳酪的松软以及份量刚刚好的蜂蜜和无花果让这款冰激凌有点甜,却不是很甜。

    The Greek owners of Fresco Gelateria , in the East Village , honor their roots with a beautifully light goat cheese fig gelato , with the fluffiness of goat cheese and just enough honey and fig to approach rather than fully embrace sweetness .

  13. 密斯(PattiSmith)以及许多同时也会去Max's的乐队在那里演出。在东村的角角落落,每周都会有各种小型临时画廊出现、消失。

    In the East Village , on Bleecker and Bowery , was CBGB , which was home to Television , Patti Smith and many of the bands that also played at Max 's. Little temporary art galleries were opening and closing every week in the East Village .

  14. 如今,东村也是一个好酒的好地方,东六街的AmoryAmargo鸡尾酒酒吧可能是个理想的地点(这里展示三种鸡尾酒:曼哈顿鸡尾酒、老式经典鸡尾酒[Old-Fashioneds]和内格罗尼鸡尾酒[Negronis])。

    Bronson movie it could evoke : " The Great Escape . " The East Village would be a draw now , with the cocktail den Amor y Amargo on East Sixth a likely destination ( three cocktails are showcased here : Manhattans , Old-Fashioneds and Negronis ) .

  15. 一个学生自愿成为广西东村(音译)志愿者。

    One chose to volunteer in the countryside in a Dong Village .

  16. 城市化进程中的村治变迁:社区自主性成长&以武汉市徐东村为个案

    Vicissitudes of Rural Governance during the Urbanization of Villages

  17. 小笼包餐馆东村圣马可广场(第三大道)13号;

    The Bao 13 St. Marks Place ( Third Avenue ) , East Village ;

  18. 我在东村的屋顶一边看着世贸中心燃烧一边吸烟。不过当时我的身体状态还挺好。

    I smoked on my East Village roof while watching the World Trade Center burn .

  19. 暗径东村改造取得重大进展,拆除重建工作全面铺开。

    Dark Drive East Village of significant progress , demolition and reconstruction work full swing .

  20. 通过东村车站建筑设计研究屋面绿化的运用于发展。

    Through the station building design , study the utility and develop of the green roof .

  21. 是他将种植药材的理念带到东村。

    He was the person who introduced the idea of growing the herb in Dong Village .

  22. 谁说东村不可以再次站到艺术自由主义的最前端?

    Who says that East Village can 't stand at the forefront of artistic liberalism again ?

  23. 第三组则由荣荣在东村生活期间拍摄的自拍像。

    The third group consists of Rong Rong 's self-portraits taken in his East Village days .

  24. 该男子说这个软件显示说她妻子在曼哈顿,显然不是之前所说的东村的朋友家。

    He claimed that the app showed that she was in Manhattan , not where she claimed she was .

  25. 至少对于东村精神的久远回忆将永远驻留下去,超越时光的流逝。

    At least the old memories of the East Village spirit will always stay , transcending the passage of time .

  26. 中国当代艺术经过圆明园、经过东村、经过宋庄,直至798,还会有下一站吗?

    Will there be another stop after the bus of Chinese contemporary art passed the Summer Palace , Dongcun , Songzhuang and798 ?

  27. 而“东村”这个由房产经纪人所起、后被当地颓废派文化人接纳的名字一直延续至今。

    The name " East Village " - created by real estate brokers , then adopted by the area 's bohemians-remains current today .

  28. 如今的东村更多的是一个你可以前往获得自己想要的酷酷刺青、怪穿刺或疯狂发型的地方。

    Today 's East Village is more of a place to go for cool tattoos , weird piercings or crazy hairdos you 've been wanting .

  29. 本文以崇明县瀛东村为例,开展了生态旅游村植物景观构建的研究。

    Plant landscape construction of eco-tourism village was investigated in this paper , in which Yingdong Village , Chongming County was used as an example .

  30. 但是它又有一种完全不同的魅力和异国情调,薇兹说起了对东村的看法,然后我们离开了咖啡馆在东村中探索。

    But it 's a totally different kind of glamour and exotica , Weisz says of her neighborhood , which we leave the caf to explore .