
  1. 云岗石窟地区大气气溶胶污染特征研究

    Studies on Pollution Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols in Yungang Grottoes Area

  2. 大同云岗矿区井下陷落柱中的地开石

    Dickite from downcast pillar in the shaft of Yungang Coal field , Datong

  3. 云岗石窟是中国现存最大的古代石窟群之一。

    Yungang Grottoes is the existing one of the largest group of ancient caves .

  4. 山西大同云岗石窟防水保护方案探讨

    Waterproof protective scheme of Datong Yungang Cave

  5. 云岗矿404、301通风机励磁盘的技术改造

    The Technological Transformation of the Exciting Discs in 404 , 301 ventilators in Yungang Mine

  6. 云岗矿南翼主扇励磁盘的技术改造

    Technological Transformation of the Main Fan Field Discs in the South Wing of Yungang Mine

  7. 大同云岗砂岩长石蚀变的扫描电镜研究

    A Scanning Electron Microscope Study for the Alteration of Arkoses of the Yungang Cave in Datong City

  8. 大同云岗石窟文物渗水病害防治方案探讨

    A discussion of the treatment of water-seepage disease of the stone carvings in the Yungang Grotto near Datong

  9. 今天,云岗石窟不仅为我们研究传统的石刻艺术提供了学习借鉴的可能性。

    Today , the Yungang Grottoes Research not only the traditional art of stone carvings we offer the possibility to learn from .

  10. 在敦煌、云岗、龙门三大石窟艺术之后,9~13世纪的大足石刻显示了外来的佛教石窟遣像艺术在中国发展的最后成果:完全中国化,并成为中国日常生活的艺术载体。

    The Dazu Carvings , dating from the 9th to the 13th century , represent the last period of the developments in the foreign Buddhism grotto art .

  11. 第二、三章以研究云岗石窟的造型语言为线索,对云岗石窟造型艺术的形式美特征进行分析探讨。

    Second , the three chapters to study the shape of Yungang Grottoes language clues to the Yungang Grottoes of the characteristics of the plastic arts of formal beauty .

  12. 全文分为四章,以理论研究为主是第一章,主要阐述云岗石窟的时代背景、发展概括及云岗石窟造型语言的历史分期等相关理论的研究。

    Divided into four chapters , based on theoretical research is the first chapter , the major explained the background of Yungang Grottoes , Yungang Grottoes shape the development of general and historical stages of language related research .

  13. 该系统已在地方铁路云岗西站安装、开通、运营,实现了办理两万吨列车组合分解作业,取得了较好的经济效益,社会效益。

    Such systems have been installed and put into operation in Yungang West Railway Station-a local railway , and 20000 ton train combination and parting operation have been realized . Outstanding economic benefit and social benefit have been gained .

  14. 云岗石窟是一座石窟艺术的宝库,集中原文化、少数民族文化及印度文化为一体,是举世公认的人类历史文化瑰宝和中华民族古代文明结晶。

    Yungang Grottoes is a treasure house of grotto art , focused on the original culture , ethnic culture and Indian culture as a whole , is widely recognized historical and cultural treasures of mankind and the crystallization of ancient Chinese civilization .