
  1. 郑州黄河大桥主桥自振特性分析

    Dynamic analysis of the Yellow River main bridge in Zhengzhou

  2. 郑州黄河大桥远程振动监测系统研究

    Study on the Remote Vibration Monitoring System for the Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge

  3. 郑州黄河公路大桥交通安全冲突技术的研究

    A study of TCT of the Zhengzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge

  4. 应用这些方法在郑州黄河公路大桥的安全改善工作中进行了试点研究,取得了良好的效果,进一步完善了路段交通冲突技术。

    With these ways , the experiments in traffic security improving of Zhengzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge are carried out .

  5. 采用自平衡试桩法和钢筋计测试元件对河南新乡&郑州高速公路黄河大桥6根钻孔灌注桩进行了静载荷试验。

    Six bored piles with post pressure grouting are tested in self balanced method in Yellow River Highway Bridge on Xinxiang Zhengzhou express highway in Henan province .

  6. 粘贴碳纤维布与粘贴钢板是旧桥加固的新技术,应用此技术对郑州黄河公路大桥及南接线金洼干沟桥进行了加固设计与施工,取得了成功。

    Carbon fiber reinforced plastics and bonded steel plates are new techniques in old bridge reinforcement , which were applied successfully in strengthening of Zhengzhou yellow river highway bridge and its south connecting line & Jinwagangou bridge .

  7. 为了检验本文提出的中、下承式拱桥吊索张力测定实用计算公式的准确性,作者在京珠国道郑州黄河特大桥主桥施工现场进行了吊索张力测定试验。

    On the basis of this background , the raise of practical calculating formulae of suspender 's tension suitable for the tension measurement of suspenders in through and half through arch bridges is the major contents of this dissertation .

  8. 结合郑州黄河铁路大桥复杂的水文地质条件,论述了研制平战两用自航式气垫运输平台用于郑州黄河铁路大桥保障的可行性,并介绍了气垫平台的主要性能指标和关键技术。

    In light of the complicated hydrology and geology conditions the paper expounds the feasibility of the manufacture of self-propulsion air-cushion transportation platform of peacetime and wartime used in the Yellow River railway bridge logistic support and explains the main performance index and the key technology .

  9. 本论文以郑州黄河公铁两用大桥为工程背景,对采用顶推法施工的第一联钢桁架进行施工过程仿真分析和研究。

    In this thesis the incremental launching method construction process of the first steel truss span of the combined highway and railway bridge crossing Huanghe river in Zhengzhou province is simulated and studied .