
cāng hǎi
  • the sea;deep blue sea
沧海 [cāng hǎi]
  • [deep blue sea;the sea] 大海。以其一望无际、水深呈青苍色,故名

  • 东临碣石,以观沧海。--《乐府诗集.曹操.步出夏门行》

沧海[cāng hǎi]
  1. 未曾说过我们的爱如松柏常青,或如沧海不变。

    We never said our love was evergreen , or as unchanging as the sea .

  2. 沧海看见就奔逃。约旦河也倒流。

    The sea saw it , and went in flight ; jordan was turned back .

  3. 曾沧海心里一跳。

    Tseng tsang-hai 's heart missed a beat at this question .

  4. 直挂云帆济沧海&济宁市物资再生利用总公司发展纪实

    A True Record of Jining Materials Recycling Company 's Development

  5. 俄而沉重的脚步声惊醒了曾沧海的沉思。

    Suddenly , heavy footsteps roused him from his reverie .

  6. 地势长城接,天空沧海连。

    Topography of the Great Wall then , the sky even sea .

  7. 中国和东盟国家都发生了沧海巨变。

    Profound changes have tken place in both china and ASEAN countries .

  8. 有若沧海一声笑,天日昭昭

    Like the laughter of the ocean , the shining sun

  9. 世界这么大、谁也不过是沧海一栗。

    The world so much , no one is a chestnut sea .

  10. 沧海一声笑,滔滔两岸潮。

    The seas laugh , lashing on both shores .

  11. 我国21世纪初的天然气工业&扬帆乘风济沧海

    China 's Natural Gas Industry in the 21st Century

  12. 东临碣石,以观沧海。

    Jieshi east to the sea view .

  13. 曾沧海回头一看,认得是土贩李四;

    Tseng tsang-hai glanced over his shoulder , to see Li sze , the Opium seller .

  14. 沧海一粒。

    A drop in the ocean .

  15. 曾沧海已经像一个死人,只是眼睛还睁得很大。

    Tseng tsang-hai looked like a corpse , except that his staring eyes still rolled in terror .

  16. 犹如江河融入沧海,劳动于安逸中求得完美。

    As a river in the sea , work finds its perfection in the depth of leisure .

  17. 在上古时代,河北大平原是沧海而不是桑田。

    Today 's fertile land , North China Plain , was deep blue sea in ancient times .

  18. 我只是一只飞不过沧海的小小蝴蝶,欲望的火,燃尽了我的勇气。

    I just a little butterflies fly but the fire of desire , and burn up my courage .

  19. 如果曾沧海再逼上一步,阿二准定要干的!

    If Tseng tsang-hai tried to come one step nearer , he was more than ready to fight !

  20. 父亲的善良高于山岳,母亲的仁慈深于沧海。

    A father 's goodness is higher than the mountain , a mother 's goodness deeper than the sea .

  21. 曾沧海假意送到大厅的滴水檐前,就回转来大生气。

    Tseng tsang-hai hypocritically bowed Fei little beard out of the hall , then came back fuming with rage .

  22. 曾沧海猛叫一声,便觉得眼前昏黑,腿发软,心里却像火烧。

    Then suddenly there was a mist before his eyes and he felt a burning sensation around his heart .

  23. 曾沧海侧着头看定了阿二,冷冷地威吓地说。

    As Tseng tsang-hai pronounced this threat , he tilted his head on one side and glared at ah erh .

  24. 如果沧海都失去了等待,我愿用生命来博得你的一笑。

    If the sea all lost waiting , I would like to use life to see you crack a smile .

  25. 临碣石以观沧海&舟山市定海区沿海区段城市设计

    Come to Jieshi , and Enjoy the sight of the Broad Sea & Urban design of Dinghai Coastal Area in Zhoushan

  26. 耶和华在沧海中开道,在大水中开路。

    Thus saith the LORD , which maketh a way in the sea , and a path in the mighty waters ;

  27. 深渊说,不在我内。沧海说,不在我中。

    The deep waters say , it is not in me : and the sea says , it is not with me .

  28. 现在曾沧海的脸色全然灰白了!他这才知道局势是意外地严重。

    Tseng tsang-hai 's face was now quite ashen , for he had begun to realize that the situation was really serious .

  29. “直挂云帆济沧海”,伟通人坚持自己的信念,不走寻常路!

    " Straight hanging cloud sail sea Ji ", Wei Walter adhere to their beliefs , do not take the unusual way !

  30. 可是我还没到沧海就别人给赶回来了,而且还没到过巫山就打下去了。

    But I 'm not into the sea to rush back to the others , and not to have a crush on Wushan .