
  • 网络cangzhou city
  1. 结合沧州市网络的实际情况,主要分析HFC电缆分配系统双向传输改造的建设标准和实施方案。

    Considering for local current situation of network in CangZhou city , mainly analyzed constructing standard and implementary scheme of HFC cable distribution system two-way transformation .

  2. 沧州市的林木种苗事业迅猛发展,全市现有各类苗圃307处,育苗总面积029万hm2,产苗量达24亿株。

    The tree seedling production in Cangzhou city is developing fast these years . Presently , the city has 307 nurseries , 2 900 hm ~ 2 of seedling area and total seedlings of 0.24 billions .

  3. 河北省沧州市,为缺水地区,为了兴建新的40万吨/年PVC生产项目,需要引黄河水作为水源,用水的费用不仅相当可观,而且也制约着企业的发展。

    Cangzhou in Hebei province is a water-deficient area . The newly built 0.4 million tons / year PVC production project needs to draw water from Yellow river as its water source , which not only costs a fortune but also fetter the development of the enterprise .

  4. 在此基础上,利用ASAR数据对沧州市的地表形变进行了提取实验,同时对大气相位和噪声也采取了时空滤波方法,并且有效地分离了线性与非线性形变,得到了相应的监测结果。

    Cangzhou city surface deformation was extracted by the algorithm , which include of the effective separation of linear and nonlinear deformation . Atmospheric delay and noise are obtained by spatio-temporal filtering method .

  5. 沧州市水资源短缺,深层地下水严重超采,已形成大面积区域地下水位降落漏斗,地面沉降已达2m,生态环境严重恶化。

    The Cangzhou city is short of water resources , the deep groundwater has been overdrawn seriously , it has caused the regional cone depression of deep groundwater in large area , the land subsidence has reached 2 m , the eco-environment has deteriorated seriously .

  6. 沧州市住院患者5种疾病医疗费用分析

    Analysis on Inpatient Medical Expense of 5 Diseases in Cangzhou City

  7. 河北省沧州市初中生问题行为的家庭影响因素

    Family Influence on the Problem Behavior of Middle School Students

  8. 沧州市某校804名大学生扁平足及其与运动能力的关系

    Relationship between flatfoot and moving ability in 804 college students

  9. 模糊评判法在沧州市地面沉降灾害危险性评价中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Evaluation Method for Ground Settlement Hazard in Cangzhou City

  10. 沧州市初中生问题行为与父母教养方式相关研究初中生安全感发展的家庭动因研究

    Research on Family Influential Factors about Security Development of Junior Middle School Students

  11. 沧州市高氟水分布规律及环境影响分析

    Distribution rules of high fluoride water and its environmental impacts in Cangzhou City

  12. 沧州市幼儿体质综合评价分析

    Comprehensive appraisal and analysis of children constitution in Cangzhou

  13. 沧州市旧城区排水管道改造简介

    Brief Introduction of Drainage Piping Reformation of Old Urban District in Cangzhou City

  14. 沧州市不同年龄居民艾滋病相关知识和态度调查

    Analysis on AIDS-related Knowledge and Attitude of Residents of Different Age Groups in Cangzhou

  15. 沧州市华昊钢管有限公司是华北地区专业生产钢管的大型企业之一。

    In Cangzhou City of north China region Pipe professional production of large enterprises .

  16. 沧州市人群弓形虫感染血清流行病学调查

    Serological Survey of Antibodies IgG and IgM to Toxoplasma among Population of Cangzhou City

  17. 沧州市地面沉降研究及防治对策

    Surface Subsidence and its Countermeasures in Cangzhou City

  18. 强化城市节水促进沧州市水资源可持续利用

    Strengthen Urban Water Conservation and Promote Sustainable Use of Water Resources in Cangzhou City

  19. 延参法师是河北省沧州市水月寺的住持。

    Yancan is the abbot of the Shuiyue Monastery in East China 's Hebei province .

  20. 沧州市海洋国土可持续利用

    The ocean country sustainable development in Cangzhou

  21. 2006年沧州市市售常用食物的价格与几种营养成份含量调查

    Investigation on the Price of Commercial Food and Nutrition Facts in Cangzhou City in 2006

  22. 沧州市林果产业发展现状及发展对策

    The current status of forestry and orchard industry in Cangzhou city and their developing countermeasures

  23. 沧州市不同盐碱地及主要树种离子分布特征研究

    Studies of Ion Distribution of Different Saline-alkali Soil and Main Tree Species in Cangzhou City

  24. 沧州市地下水资源合理开发可持续发展战略探讨

    A Discussion on the Sustainable Development of the Rational Exploitation of Groundwater Resources in Cangzhou City

  25. 沧州市3种区域林木种质资源多样性变化

    Changes in Diversity of Tree Germplasm Resources in Different Areas in Cangzhou City , Hebei Province

  26. 降水资源的高效利用&沧州市农业持续发展的战略选择

    Utilization of rainfall resources with high efficiency & selection of sustainable agricultural development strategy in Cangzhou City

  27. 河北省沧州市高碘水源地理分布调查

    Survey on the Geographic Distribution of Water Source with Excessive Iodine in Cangzhou City of Hebei Province

  28. 东部欠发达地区特征、原因及对策&以沧州市为例

    An Analysis of the Poor Areas in the East Developed Region ofChina : The Case of Cangzhou City

  29. 河北省沧州市农村中小学教师队伍现状调查报告

    A Survey about the Present Situation of Teachers in Rural Primary and Secondary Schools in Cangzhou , Hebei

  30. 沧州市人畜饮水解困工程的建设管理模式

    Patterns of Construction and Management of the Engineering Which Solves Problems in Human and Domestic Animals Drinking in Cangzhou