
  • 网络Dongying;dongying city
  1. 海培金色摇篮幼儿园是山东省东营市的一所知名幼儿园。

    Haipei Goldren Cradle Kindergarten is a well-known preschool in Dongying City , Shandong Province .

  2. 第三部门体系剖析了东营市公务员考察中存在的题目及原因;

    The second part objectively summarizes and analyzes the current situation of public servant assessment in Dongying city .

  3. 利用1984198619911996年和2001年的多源遥感数据,结合GIS空间数据和野外考察资料等,对1984年东营市建市17年来黄河三角洲土地利用/覆盖格局和动态演变规律进行分析。

    Based on the remote sensing data acquired in 1984 , 1986,1991,1996 and 2001 , the land use / land cover types of the Yellow River Delta are classified . The spatial pattern and land use / land cover changes from 1984 to 2001 are analyzed .

  4. 东营市7月份暴雨集成预报系统

    Dongying ′ s Integrated Prediction System of Heavy Rain in July

  5. 广阔的市场前景是东营市发展草产业的重要保证。

    Wide market foreground provide important guarantee for the grass industry .

  6. 韩佳,我们现在是要去东营市吗?

    Han Jia , are we going to Dongying now ?

  7. 地质灾害分区及其在土地利用规划中的应用&以山东东营市为例

    Zoning of Geological Disaster and Its Application on the Land Use Planning

  8. 东营市面临的经济环境、技术环境、政策环境等为草产业的发展提供了良好的外部环境;

    Economy circumstance , technology circumstance and policy circumstance provide favorable exterior circumstance .

  9. 目的了解东营市居民医疗卫生服务利用状况。

    Objective To learn the health service utilization situation of people in Dongying .

  10. 东营市产业结构转型战略研究。

    The research on the tactic of industry change .

  11. 东营市河口区:用工业理念打造现代农业

    Hekou District Develops Modern Agriculture with Industrial Ideas

  12. 东营市市长刘国信来永进集团参观,对企业发展状况及产品质量表示赞赏。

    Mayor of Dongying City Liu Guo-xin visited Yongjin Group , and very appreciate Yongjin Group 's latest development .

  13. 东营市职称层次略高于聊城市,高级职称所占比例较聊城市高。

    And the technical post levels were little higher than Liaocheng city , such as senior title of technical post 's proportion .

  14. 东营市的城市湿地景观分为5种类型:自然河流、人工河道、人工湖泊、天然湖泊、浅水泥沼。

    The city wetland landscape can be classified into five types : natural rivers artificial water channels artificial lakes and shallow water mires .

  15. 东营市创新型城市建设的发展模式是:促进经济又好又快地发展,实现整个城市系统的高效生态运作。

    The model of city innovation : realize the stable running of the ecotypic system while promote the economic development with a fast speed and higher quality .

  16. 东营市地处黄河三角洲地区,近年来随着经济的发展和人口的增多,大气环境污染问题越来越引起人们的重视。

    Dongying , located in the delta region of Yellow River , recently , air pollution becoming more serious with development of economy and increment of population .

  17. 以东营市管道直饮水工程为例,介绍了直饮水的工艺原理、水质检测、生产流程、工程设计等。

    Taking the piped direct-drinking engineer in Dongying for example , the article introduces process principles , water quality inspection , production process , engineering design of direct-drinking water .

  18. 目的全面、准确掌握东营市碘盐质量,为确保碘缺乏病防治措施的有效实施提供科学依据。

    Objective To study the iodized salt quality of Dongying , and to find out appropriate intervention measures in order to eliminate Iodine Deficiency Disorders ( IDD ) in Dongying .

  19. 利用2002年和2004年东营市卫生服务调查资料,分析了农村老年人门诊服务利用及影响因素。

    Using surveying data on health services in the City of Dongying in2002 and2004 , the paper analyzes the use of outpatient services by the rural elderly and the influencing factors .

  20. 东营市目前处于石油产业发展兴盛的时期,是选择与培植替代产业的最佳时期。

    Whereas it will plunge the condition of " city decline while oil exhausted " Dongying is in the period of oil industry thriving , which is the best time of implanting substitute industry .

  21. 为全面准确掌握东营市冬枣发展现状,及时总结经验敦训,对东营市冬枣资源进行了全面调查。

    The complete surveys had been carried in order to be in charge of the actual state of Dongzao industry 's development in Dongying city , and to summarize the experiences and lessons in time .

  22. 由于东营市土地盐碱化严重、土壤条件差,同时,在以油田为中心带动经济发展的过程中土地资源遭到了破坏和污染,土地开发利用形势严峻。

    The land salinization is serious and the soil conditions are poor , and in the development of oil & led economy , the land resources are damaged and polluted , so the exploitation and utilization of land is in a grim situation .

  23. 通过对东营市洼地绵羊和小尾寒羊的育肥对比试验,从增重情况看,洼地绵羊平均每只比小尾寒羊多增重0.96kg,高19%;

    Through fattening comparative experiment of Low-land sheep and Small Tail Han Sheep , the result shows , from the weight increasing side , Low-land Sheep is 19 % to Small Tail Han Sheep in weight , average increasing weight is 0.96 kg than Small Tail Han Sheep ;

  24. 中国东营奥斯特精铸金属制品有限公司,坐落在黄河三角洲,位于山东东营市新工业区西四路现河经济园。

    China Dongying Honesty Precision Mental Co. , Ltd is located in the new industrial zone of Dongying City , the hinterland of Shengli Oil Field in the YellowRiver Delta .