
  • 网络bea;The Bank of East Asia
  1. 据中国证券监管机构称,包括渣打银行(StandardChartered)和东亚银行(BankofEastAsia)在内的其他外资银行也已申请获得销售国内基金的牌照。

    According to the local securities regulator , other foreign banks including Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia have also applied for a licence to sell local mutual funds .

  2. 这两家私人股本公司加入花旗银行(citibank)、东亚银行(bea)和汇丰(hsbc)等银行的行列,获得了提供人民币理财产品的资格。

    The two private equity firms join banks such as Citibank , Bank of East Asia and HSBC in their ability to offer Renminbi products .

  3. Criteria拥有一项选择权,可以增持东亚银行股份至12.5%,并正考虑通过谈判,进一步增持东亚银行股份至20%。

    Criteria holds an option to increase that stake to 12.5 per cent and is considering negotiating a further rise to 20 per cent .

  4. 公司主席兼首席执行官李国宝(davidli)表示,东亚银行对全部债务抵押债券的处置是“果断的”。

    David Li , chairman and chief executive , said the disposal of its entire collateralised debt obligation holdings was " decisive " .

  5. 信用违约互换(cds)激增,但做空东亚银行股票的头寸实际上少于“正常”水平。

    Credit default swaps shot up , but the level of shorting on bea stock was actually below " normal " levels .

  6. 东亚银行董事长李国宝(DavidLi)最近也迫于压力减少在这家银行中的职责。

    David Li , the chairman of the bank , has come under pressure recently to play a smaller role in the bank after he settled an insider-trading probe with the U.

  7. 名单上主要是国有大型银行,如中国工商银行(icbc),但也包括汇丰(hsbc)和东亚银行(bankofeastasia)的中国分支。

    The list mainly consisted of large state-owned institutions such as industrial and Commercial Bank of China , but also included the China arms of HSBC and Bank of East Asia .

  8. 中国工商银行(ICBC)上月收购了东亚银行(BankofEastAsia)的美国子公司。这笔交易从一个侧面展现出了这家按市值计算全球第一大银行的海外收购模式。

    When Industrial and Commercial Bank of Chinabought Bank of East Asia 's US arm last month , the deal demonstrated how the world 's biggest bank by market value approaches foreign acquisitions .

  9. 中银香港表示,还可能对其在去年以5.1亿美元价格买入的东亚银行(BankofEastAsia)4.94%的股份作减值拨备。总部位于香港的东亚银行在10月份发布了自己的盈利预警。

    BoC Hong Kong said it might also make a provision for its 4.94 per cent stake in Bank of East Asia , which it bought last year for $ 510m . Hong Kong-based BEA issued a profit warning of its own in October .

  10. 东亚银行主席兼首席执行官李国宝(DavidLi)表示,他的商界友人购入了该行股票,其中包括李嘉诚和该行董事。这是自1997年以来香港首次发生银行挤兑。

    David Li , chairman and chief executive of Bank of East Asia , said his business friends including Li Ka-shing and the bank 's directors bought shares in the lender following Hong Kong 's first bank run since 1997 .

  11. 两家银行的高管表示,这宗交易已经谈了几个月,更多是得益于三井住友高层与执掌东亚银行多年的李国宝(DavidLi)之间的私人关系。

    Executives at both banks say the deal has been in progress for months and has more to do with personal connections between senior ranks at Sumitomo Mitsui and David Li , who has presided over Bank of East Asia for many years .

  12. 我的工作与香港东亚银行。

    I work with Bank Of East Asia Hong Kong .

  13. 东亚银行西安分行设立同城营业网点研究

    Research on Establish City-Sites of the Bank East Asia , Ltd. Xi'an Branch

  14. 东亚银行股价上涨5.6%,收于24.55港元。

    Bank of East Asia shares gained 5.6 per cent to HK $ 24.55 .

  15. 第二章介绍了东亚银行大连分行个人按揭贷款的授信现状。

    The second chapter introduces the current credit status of personal mortgage loan in BEA Dalian Branch .

  16. 东亚银行美国子公司的资产规模仅为7.8亿美元,对于工行来说这不过是九牛一毛。

    Bank of East Asia US had just $ 780m in assets , pocket change for ICBC .

  17. 据协议,工行将拿出1.4亿美元,收购东亚银行在美国80%的股权。

    ICBC will acquire an80 percent stake in the BEA 's US unit for US $ 140 million .

  18. 东亚银行已于今日发出新闻稿,澄清东亚银行与该欺诈网站没有关系。

    BEA has issued a press release today to clarify that it has no affiliation with the fraudulent website .

  19. 而卖方,东亚银行,早已经外来化,依靠位于香港的母公司与中国保持紧密联系。

    The seller , Bank of East Asia , is already foreign , being a Hong Kong-based firm with close ties to China .

  20. 东亚银行股价昨日收盘下跌6.9%,至25.15港元;盘中最多下跌11.3%。

    The bank 's shares closed down 6.9 per cent at HK $ 25.15 yesterday after falling as much as 11.3 per cent .

  21. 东亚银行未提供“操控”细节,该银行股票暂停交易,等待公布更详细公告。

    The bank did not elaborate on the nature of the manipulation and suspended its shares from trading pending a more detailed announcement .

  22. 像东亚银行这样在中国的大部分外商独资企业,雇员的社会保险就根据其基本工资而缴纳的。

    Most wholly foreign-owned enterprises in China , such as Nortel and East Asia Bank , base their social insurance cost according to base salary .

  23. 在东亚银行,人民币存款的利率只有0.5%,而港元的存款利率却在1.25%至2.75%之间。

    At Bank of East Asia , renminbi deposits pay only 0.5 per cent interest , against 1.25-2.75 per cent for Hong Kong dollar deposits .

  24. 东亚银行成立于1918年,是香港第一家所有者为中国人的银行。陈棋昌表示,该行一直享有策略上的优势。

    Founded in 1918 , BEA was the first Chinese-owned bank in Hong Kong , and Mr Chan says it continues to enjoy strategic advantages .

  25. 由于电邮内容可能出现被截取、破坏、延迟传送、遗失或缺失等情况,东亚银行集团不会对其完整性作出保证。

    The BEA Group cannot guarantee the integrity of this email transmission , as information can be intercepted , corrupted , delayed , lost , or incomplete .

  26. 现职东亚银行顾问,也是香港交易及结算所有限公司选任的独立非执行董事。

    Currently working for Bank of East Asia as a part-time consultant , T.C.Chan is also an elected Independent Non-executive Director of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited .

  27. 中方告诉我们,由于东亚银行的贷款存在一些问题,贷款仍然没有到位。

    As the Chinese party told us that because some obstacles existed the loan to be made by Bank of East Asia had not yet been provided to the Company .

  28. 新中国成立后,保留了汇丰银行、东亚银行、华侨银行和渣打银行4家外资银行继续在上海营业。

    After the founding of New China , retained HSBC , Bank of East Asia , OCBC Bank and Standard Chartered Bank to continue to four foreign banks operating in Shanghai .

  29. 东亚银行周二成为率先公布良好业绩的外资银行:去年其中国业务实现利润19亿港元(合2.45亿美元),增加16%。

    BEA Tuesday became the first to pop its Champagne : Its China business last year posted a profit of HK $ 1.9 billion ( US $ 245 million ), up 16 % .

  30. 为了平息东亚银行客户的担忧,香港政府高级官员反复告诫市民:围绕该行的谣言毫无根据,香港的银行体系健全并且稳定。

    To calm anxious Bank of East Asia customers , top government officials told Hong Kong again and again that rumours surrounding the lender were unfounded and the banking system was sound and stable .