• tomb;grave;mausoleum
  • 埋葬死人的地方:~穴。~地。~园。~道。~碑。坟~。~志铭。


(坟墓) tomb; grave; mausoleum:

  • 陵墓


  • 公墓


  • 古墓

    ancient tomb;

  • 掘墓人


  • 烈士墓

    tombs of revolutionary martyrs

  1. 世界各地的人们都来参观莎士比亚之墓。

    People all over the world come to visit the tomb of Shakespeare .

  2. 烈士墓前安放着花圈。

    Wreaths were laid at the martyr 's tomb .

  3. 在当地的墓地里,她长眠在她丈夫的墓旁。

    She rests beside her husband in the local cemetery .

  4. 死者亲属在墓前献了花圈。

    Relatives laid wreaths on the grave .

  5. 他们以前每年去她的墓前凭吊两次。

    They used to visit her grave twice a year .

  6. 这两个女人都在他的墓前痛哭。

    Both women wept at his graveside .

  7. 国王以私人身份出访,以便能够祭拜先祖陵墓。

    The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors

  8. 一进教堂左边的那扇门通往圣以撒墓。

    The door on the left , upon entering the church , leads to the Crypt of St Issac

  9. 她的墓上满是鲜花。

    Her grave was covered with flowers .

  10. 他的墓前有一块精致的石碑。

    His grave is marked by a fine stela .

  11. 他的墓是用花岗石造的。

    His grave is made of granite .

  12. 几乎所有在这个墓里找到的陶器都是祭品

    Almost all potteries found in the tomb were sacrifices .

  13. 他们从墓中掘出了许多古钱。

    They dug many ancient coins out of the tomb .

  14. CO2共聚物为墓聚氨酯生物降解性能的研究

    Study on Biodegradability of Polyurethanes Based on Copolymer of CO_2

  15. 玉米叶片cDNA文库构建及Cah墓因克隆

    Construction of maize leaf cDNA library and cloning of cab gene

  16. 2008年8月,埃及古文物界的权威们表示,他们已取得了图坦卡蒙木乃伊的DNA标本,并将根据墓中两个尚未出生便夭折的胎儿,来确定他们究竟是不是这位少年法老的孩子。

    In August 2008 , Egypt ` s antiquities authorities said they had taken DNA samples from Tutankhamun ` s mummy and from two fetuses found in his tomb to determine whether the still-born children had been fathered by the boy king .

  17. 对于体重指数的检测,未发现其与ER一a基因存在显著的关联或连锁,提示ER一a墓因可能不能作为中国人群中与体重指数相关联的候选基因。

    For body mass index , we did not find , any significant association and linkage with the ER-a gene , which indicate the ER-a gene may not be a candidate gene associated with body mass index in Chinese .

  18. 根据当地媒体的CorriereFiorentino的说法,托尔多在过去的一年中每天都来看他的主人伦索,在它主人墓前放些小礼物,而主人在2011年9月22日已经去世,享年71岁。

    According to the Corriere Fiorentino , Toldo has been visiting his owner -- Iozzelli Renzo , who died on September 22 , 2011 , aged 71 -- every day for the past year and leaving small presents at the grave .

  19. 沙阿玛哈希望他的妻子的墓是完美的。

    Shah Mahal wanted his wife 's tomb to be perfect .

  20. 铁高效及低效苹果墓因型的铁离子吸收动力学研究

    Iron Absorption Kinetics for Fe-efficient vs. - inefficient Species in Malus

  21. 该墓墓志的发现,为研究东方朔故里提供了宝贵的实物资料。

    The discovery furnishes the valuable material for researching his hometown .

  22. 三峡地区秦汉墓研究

    The Study on Qin and Han Tombs in Three Gorges Area

  23. 唐恭陵哀皇后墓部分出土文物

    Some Artifacts Unearthed from Empress Ai 's Tomb of Tang Dynasty

  24. 高密度电阻率法探测土墩墓&以江苏省无锡市战国土墩墓为例

    Experiment of Probing Mound Tombs by Method of High Density Resistivity

  25. 河南泌阳县宋墓发掘简报

    Excavation of a Song Period Tombs in Biyang county , Henan

  26. 该墓的年代约在公元前100年前后。

    The tomb is dated back to around 100 years A. D.

  27. 这使我想起了掘墓的恶鬼,白痴和狂人的嚎叫。

    It reminded me of ghouls and idiots and insane howlings .

  28. 在碳钢墓材上激光熔覆玻璃涂层及其物理化学行为研究

    Laser clad glass coatings on steels and their physical chemical behaviors

  29. 但她安睡在墓中,哦可怜。

    But she is in her grave , and , oh .

  30. 河北宣化辽代壁画墓

    A Liao Dynasty Tombs with Mural Paintings at Xuanhua , Hebei