
  • 网络liao architecture
  1. 从中国营造学社调查辽代建筑开始,中国建筑史进入了科学研究阶段。

    Ever since the Institute for Research in Chinese Architecture ( IRCA ) began to survey Liao architecture in1932 , the history of Chinese architecture has entered the phase of scientific research .

  2. 中国营造学社在调查辽代建筑的过程中开创、积累、明确了一整套研究古建筑的科学的研究方法,奠定了此后中国建筑历史研究方法的基石。

    IRCA created , accumulated , and defined a full set of scientific methods for studying ancient architecture , which set the foundation for later research methods of Chinese history of architecture .

  3. 辽代佛寺建筑大木作构造分析

    Analysis on the carpentry work of Liao temple buildings

  4. 辽代的建筑受唐代建筑的影响,并糅合契丹尚东之俗而形成自己的风格。

    The Liao architecture influenced by the Tang style , accommodating the Khitan customs , achieved its own unique style .