
  • 网络OBJECT
  1. 操作符==是Java语言中表示对象相等的简写形式,但是不代表对象引用的相等。

    The operator = = is shorthand for object equivalence in the Java language , but not for object reference identity .

  2. GORM有助于缓解抽象泄漏问题,它支持使用对Groovy有意义的方式表示对象模型,由GORM在幕后处理关系数据库的问题。

    GORM helps mitigate the leaky-abstraction problem by allowing you to represent your object model in a way that makes sense in Groovy .

  3. vat表示对象的容器。

    A vat is a container for objects .

  4. 表示对象之间关系的另一个选项是包含(containment),其中一个对象是另一个对象的父对象。

    Another option for expressing relationships among objects is containment , where one object is the parent of another object .

  5. 该模型的几何对象模型、地理要素模型和图形表示对象模型三个认知或抽象层次为人们使用、操作和开发GIS提供了三个层次的视图,这为建立完整BEIS提供了系统结构和框架。

    This data model is constituted by three kinds of models , i.e. Geometric Object Model , Geographical Feature Model , and Graphical Representation Object Model .

  6. 根据UML活动图提出了一种基于对象流的工作流模型思想,并给出了采用关系视图表示对象流状态的工作流定义和运行控制的设计和实现方法。

    This paper presents a workflow model based on object flow , and gives a workflow definition using a relation view to present the object flow state , at the same time , presents a design and realization of the workflow definition and process control .

  7. 该方法用几何模型表示对象,用算术约束描述对象间的位置关系,并通过BPU-CLP的约束求解机制为各个位置变量取值。

    We use the geometric models to present the objects and transform the positions into numeric constraints among objects . By its constraint solving mechanism , BPU-CLP can evaluate the values of the variables .

  8. 还常常用来表示对象所属权。

    They are also often used as a way to indicate object ownership .

  9. 还有就是如何表示对象之间的关系。

    Secondly , how to represent relations between objects .

  10. 返回此类型说明符所表示对象的属性说明符的集合。

    Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor .

  11. 花括号{}表示对象,方括号[]表示数组。

    Curly braces { } indicate an object , and brackets [ ] indicate an array .

  12. 长清单的第一个字母表示对象的类型(d表示目录)。

    The first character of a long listing describes the type of object ( d for a directory ) .

  13. 在一个类中表示对象后,接着还需要一个类来管理该对象。

    Once you have the object represented in a class , you next need a class to manage it .

  14. 讨论了一种概率信息系统用于表示对象与属性值之间的关系存在不确定性的信息。

    Probability information systems , which are used to represent the uncertainty information between objects and attributes , are discussed .

  15. 图像分割是把感兴趣区域从图像信息中提取出来的过程,这些区域通常表示对象或者对象的一部分。

    Image segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into meaningful regions . Those regions represent objects or their parts .

  16. 网络可以模型化为图,其中节点表示对象,边表示节点之间的连接。

    Networks could be modeled as graphs , where nodes ( or vertices ) represent the objects and edges represent the interactions among these objects .

  17. 该方法给出冲突矩阵表示对象流入流水线的限制,通过启发式搜索寻找面向目标优化的调度策略。

    The method gives out the presentation be constrained to objects into pipeline by using collision matrix , and findsout scheduling model with goal-oriented optimization by heuristic search .

  18. 通过地理对象的代理对象来定义多表现,因此代理对象可以用来表示对象的视角多样性和角色多样性。

    It allows geographic object to have multiple deputy objects which can be defined as its multiple representations since deputy objects can be used to represent object views and role multiplicity .

  19. 不确定度是一个度量不确定性测度函数所表示对象的不确定程度的模型,不同的不确定性理论用不同的不确定性测度描述。

    Measure of uncertainty is a model that quantifies the uncertain degree embedded in an uncertainty measure . In different uncertainty theory , different uncertainty measure is used to describe different types of uncertainty .

  20. 复杂对象模式的规范化设计不仅是将对象组合到相关联的关系中,而且要选择一个能很好地表示对象间的语义关系的结构。

    The normalization design for complex object schemes is not only to group objects into related relationships , but also to choose a structure which is a good representation of semantic relationships among objects .

  21. 建立了深基坑面向对象模型,用Visualc++表示了对象的属性及操作行为,开发了一个系统软件。

    An O O model of deep foundation pit monitoring system is constructed . The object ′ s attributes and action are presented and the corresponding software is developed by Visual C + + .

  22. 您曾利用一些特殊语法直接操作过对象,或处理过一些间接表示的对象吗(C或C++里的指针)?

    Are you manipulating the object directly , or are you dealing with some kind of indirect representation ( a pointer in C or C + + ) that must be treated with a special syntax ?

  23. 在Jena中,语句的主题永远是Resource,谓词由Property表示,对象是另一个Resource或常量值。

    In Jena , the subject of a statement is always a Resource , the predicate is represented by a Property , and the object is either another Resource or a literal value .

  24. 在创建POJO以表示域对象时,您应当遵循定义好的一组期望。

    You should follow a well-defined set of expectations when you create a POJO to represent a domain object .

  25. 在本图中,黄色图钉表示Placemark对象。

    In this picture the yellow push pins represent your Placemarks .

  26. 在使用UTF字符表示数据库对象名称时,这一点尤为重要。

    This is especially important when using UTF characters to represent database object names .

  27. 空间数据是GIS的主要研究和表示的对象,其质量的好坏及其在GIS中的正确表示是GIS工程建设中最重要和最基本的问题。

    Spatial data are the main objects in representation and research in Geographical Information System , and its quality as well as its correct representation in GIS is very important and the most fundamental issue in GIS ′ s engineering construction .

  28. 利用Zh变换可以把表示视频对象形状的二值位图分解为一系列较小的二值位图。

    Using Zh transform , the binary bitmap which represents the shape of video object is decomposed into a sequence of small binary bitmaps .

  29. 使用XJConf,从XML配置文件实例化自定义对象非常简单,甚至可使用配置文件中的数据表示配置对象的属性。

    With XJConf , it 's quite simple to instantiate custom objects from an XML configuration file , and even configure the properties of said object using the data present in the configuration file .

  30. 存在许多在程序中表示数学对象的方法,而MartinJohansen的Dcas系统则证明了这些方法可以如何的千差万别。

    There are many ways of representing the objects of mathematics in programs , and Martin Johansen 's Dcas system demonstrates just how different these methods can be .