
  1. 有个原因是ARK的总监要更改他们的表演时间,因为他安排了另外的乐队。

    For the reason that * as a manager of ARK Zhu-san wanted to change a schedule of them and he got an another band was scheduled .

  2. 此封面据报道是《GQ》二月刊封面,出版时间刚好与碧昂斯在2月3日(星期日)的超级碗(SuperBowl)半场表演时间、以及2月16日(星期六)HBO首播的碧昂斯个人纪录片时间应和。

    The cover is reportedly for the magazine 's February issue , which would coincide with Beyonce 's performance at the Super Bowl halftime show on Sunday , Feb. 3 , as well as the premiere of her HBO documentary on Saturday , Feb. 16 .

  3. 娱乐节目以及表演时间请参阅乐园日程。

    Check the show schedule for the start time of parades and shows .

  4. 她干杂耍表演时间太久了。

    She 's worked too long in variety .

  5. 表演时间安排是相隔四天以便演员在中间恢复体力。

    Performances are scheduled four days apart , so the singers can recover in between .

  6. 表演时间开始了!

    It is now time to perform !

  7. 这是湖人队表演时间。

    That is Laker Showtime basketball .

  8. 失败,以确保完成所有测试所得的数据都记录在表演时间。

    Failure to ensure that complete data derived from all tests are documented at the time of performance .

  9. 纽约市的国王——狮子艾利克斯表演时间到了。

    Host : The king of New York city - - Alex the lion . Marty : It 's show time .

  10. 可能是桥梁的构造,为什么肖恩-康纳利(SeanConnery)是扮演邦德的最佳演员,或者越位规则的复杂性,就算是恩赐,也要给他自己表演的时间,然后他会闭嘴,让你一个人享受一段充满深爱的爱情的宁静。

    Be it the mechanics of bridges , why Sean Connery 's the best Bond , or the complexities of the offside rule , even if he 's being patronising allow him his airtime , and he will then shut up , leaving you to enjoy the peace and quiet of a loving and giving relationship .

  11. 现在是第一次表演的时间。

    So now it is time for the first performance session .

  12. 其中保证派对中活动及表演的时间为2小时左右。

    Which ensure party activity and acting time is2 hours or so .

  13. 好,现在,是诗歌表演的时间了。

    Ok , now it 's time for a poetry lounge favorite .

  14. 表演似乎时间有点长。

    The show seemed on the long side .

  15. 就像我说的到表演的时间了

    Like I said it 's showtime .

  16. 那个表演多长时间

    And how long is the show ?

  17. 女:托尼,正式表演开始时间还早,而且你不用记住所有的台词,只要练习次数多了就行。

    W : Look , Tony . It is still a long time before the first show . I don 't expect you to know all the lines yet . Just keep practicing .

  18. 户外表演和午餐时间的演奏会提供了休闲、轻松的娱乐节目。

    Outdoor performances and lunchtime concerts offer casual and light-hearted entertainment .

  19. 他的精彩表演引起长时间的掌声。

    His wonderful performance drew long applause .

  20. 在一起表演一段时间过后,李向马求婚,当时她已经59岁了。

    After their first season - and undaunted by the age gap , Li proposed to the object of his affections , who was then 59 .

  21. 戏剧应当只有一个主要的行为,该行为发生的时间和地点都不能超越表演所需时间和地点的限制。

    Plays should have only one main action , and this action should happen in one place and in a time not exceeding that taken to perform the play .

  22. 邓肯在巴黎的作曲家中表演,大多时间回避固定的观众。而在其他欧洲的城市,她伴着传统的舞步的音乐,它的表演每次都是不同的。

    Duncan performed in Paris , and other European cities , dancing to the music of classical composers , but avoiding set movements and steps , no two performances were alike .

  23. 他表演了很长时间,那是他最精彩的闹剧之一。

    He gave one of his best knockabout performances in a long time .

  24. 他与狮子表演了一段时间;但是,最后因为十分疲倦,他和狮子一起睡着了。

    He played with the lion for some time ; but , at last , being wearied , both he and the lion fell asleep .

  25. 声乐作为一门表演艺术,长时间以来形成了成熟的以主观描述作为主要教学方法的理论体系。

    Vocal music , as an art of performing , which has been evaluated more subjectively for a long time , has been mainly taught orally .

  26. 表演人员的性别、表演时间、节目表演的先后顺序对歌舞旅游产品真实性没有影响。

    Genders of the performers , when the performance begins and performing order is found to have no effect on the authenticity of the products .

  27. 香港、台北都进行了大规模的烟花表演,迪拜烟花表演的组织者在6分钟的表演时间内燃放了近50万支烟花,他们创造了新的世界记录。

    Also massive firework displays in Hong Kong and Taipei and Dubai organizers set off nearly half a million fireworks in six minutes ' display they tried to set a new world record there .

  28. 同时,西安市武术市场还存在着表演市场管理混乱,缺乏开发意识,开发滞后,表演方式单一和表演时间短,缺乏武术表演组织机构等问题。

    But the market in xi'an exists some problems , such as disorder management , short of developing consciousness , slow development , simple forms and short time of performance , lacking management agencies , and so on .