
  • 网络expressive art;representative art;art of expression
  1. 按照一般关于书法与绘画关系的论点,书法是抽象的表现艺术,绘画是具象的再现艺术。

    According to general views on their relationship , calligraphy is a kind of abstract expressive art , and painting concrete representative art , however , the same tools marry them .

  2. 本文认为:广告艺术是指为促进商品销售而进行的表现艺术,是一种有明确目的,在很多限制条件下的创造性的一种实用艺术。

    In this article , advertising art is defined as expressive art for sales promotion and practical art which has explicit purpose and brings into play creativity under the confined condition .

  3. 这次展览意在突破传统的方式,利用尖端的3D技术来表现艺术作品,将艺术带出场馆,将艺术带进生活。

    By using top3D technology , this exhibition will break the traditional way showing artworks , which brings art out of the venue and right into our life .

  4. 从场景建模、场景表现艺术性和三维物体运动模拟三个方面,以游离水脱除器场景为例详细说明了VR技术在系统中的应用实现。

    From scene modeling , scene representation art and three-dimensional object movement simulation three aspects , the application implement of VR technology in the system is explained , take dissociative water prolapsus implement scene for example .

  5. 佛教表现艺术自身的发生发展规律是什么?

    What is the rule of the Buddhist Performing Arts ?

  6. 闽台传统红砖建筑墙面表现艺术

    Arts of Expression of Traditional Red-Brick Wall in Fujian-Taiwan Region

  7. 表现艺术&诗词鉴赏的核心。

    The showing skill is nucleus of appreciating classical poetry .

  8. 贾克梅蒂具象表现艺术及其启示意义

    Jakmeitty ′ s Art of Expression of the Concrete Image and Its Inspiration

  9. 从叙事角度对扬琴表现艺术的研究

    The Research on Dulcimer Expression Art from the Point of View of Narration

  10. 由于建筑行业的蓬勃发展,带动了数字化建筑表现艺术的进步。

    The Digitizing Architectural Display Skill was promoted by the development of the Architecture .

  11. 清水饰面混凝土的表现艺术

    Expression Art of Fair - face Veneer Concrete

  12. 矛盾修饰与乡土文学的表现艺术

    Oxymoron and the Subject Matter About Native Literature

  13. 首次将格式塔心理学引入数字化建筑表现艺术的研究。

    Introduced the Gestalt Psycology into the research on Digitizing Architectural Display Skill firstly .

  14. 首次对数字化建筑表现艺术作了较深入的系统研究。

    Researched deeply on Architectural Display Skill firstly .

  15. 他的演说是有关表现艺术的。

    His speech is about expressional arts .

  16. 风光摄影的表现艺术

    The Presentation Art of Sight Photography

  17. 初唐诗人的生命观照方式和表现艺术同样具有研究价值和意义。

    Early life of the poet and performance of reflection mode of artistic value and significance equally .

  18. 以我们的视角去表现艺术,表现内心,反映了真实的时代面貌。

    Our perspective , performance art , the performance of the heart , reflecting the true period look .

  19. 在对历史进程的分析中,总结了中国佛教表现艺术的三种特殊形式:行为魔幻化、对白戏剧化、仪轨艺术化。

    The Buddhist Performing Arts take such specific forms as unreal behave , dramatic dialogue and artistic ritual .

  20. 本文主要论述汉魏六朝时期佛教表现艺术,旨在通过这一研究,为进一步认识这一时期相关的文学艺术活动提供借鉴。

    This thesis mainly focused on the Buddhist Performing Arts in the Han , Wei and Six Dynasties period .

  21. 网页设计不仅是网页制作技术,更是网页的视觉表现艺术。

    Web design is not only a Web page making technology but also a Web page in Visual art performance .

  22. 数字技术发展到今天,给社会的方方面面带来了许多的变革,也因此而产生了为数众多的新鲜事物,数字化建筑表现艺术就是其中一例。

    Changes have taken placed because of the development of the Digital Technic , Digitizing Architectural Display Skill is one of them .

  23. 而数字化建筑表现艺术则不同,由于它较高的技术含量,在某种程度上也决定了它的评价要比其它传统艺术形式更为复杂。

    The Digitizing Architectural Display Skill is different because of it 's technical content and more difficult to evaluate in a degree .

  24. 电视新闻是以画面、同期声、解说词为主要构成部分的多样化表现艺术。

    TV news is the diversified displaying work of art , which is mainly composed by TV screen , paralanguage and commentary .

  25. 散文作为表现艺术的一个重要品类,它无疑是人类省视内心、观照心灵的最佳形式。

    Prose as performance art , an important category , it is the human heart , the soul meditation reflection best form .

  26. 产品设计如何表现艺术性、高科技特征和人文色彩是设计师要研究的新课题。

    Product design should give expression to artistry , Hi-Tech characteristic and humane factors , which is the new subject for designer .

  27. 音乐是表现艺术,是时间艺术,其音响组织能直接表达人内心世界情绪和情感的变化。

    Music is an art of manifestation and timing , whose sound can express the spiritual and emotional changes inside human being .

  28. 同时,对宗教表现艺术与世俗的表现主义及行为艺术的区别与联系进行了分析对比。

    In addition to that , the thesis compared and analyzed the difference and connection between the religious performing arts and the secular performing arts .

  29. 通过创作实践,验证了本文所提出的相关理论具有一定的实践意义,可以更有效地实现让偶动画表现艺术。

    The proposed theories has been verified to have some guidance , so that artists can more effectively achieve that the animation performance art and beyond art .

  30. 绘画艺术是一种表现艺术,中国画是通过表现适合于中国人特性的技法而产生并发展的。

    Painting art is an expression of art , Chinese painting through the performance characteristics suitable for the Chinese people and the techniques arising from the development .