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biǎo yáng xìn
  • commendatory letter;Letter of Commendation;a public letter of recognition and praise;letter of recommendation
  1. 也许有一封领袖寄来的表扬信。

    Maybe a letter of commendation from our dear leader .

  2. 相当多的读者给杂志社写表扬信。

    Not a few readers wrote letters of commendation to the magazine .

  3. 刚刚收到更多的表扬信。

    More letters of praise have just come in .

  4. 收到锦旗60余面,表扬信500余封。

    Received more than 60 banner plane , letters of appreciation more than 500 letters .

  5. 实践结果是,警民关系更加密切,有关部门收到的控告警察的信件比过去更少,表扬信比过去更多。

    As a result of implementing the law , relations between the police and the people have become closer and the departments concerned have received fewer accusatory letters and more commendatory letters .