
  • 网络presentation space;representation space
  1. 虚拟环境是虚拟现实技术的应用表现空间,是将各种技术集成到一起的可视化平台,人们通过虚拟环境来对虚拟世界进行感知和交互。

    Virtual Environment is the representation space of the application of VR , also is a visualization platform that is integrated various technologies . Human interact with virtual world through virtual environment .

  2. 第二章主要分析戏曲电影中运用电影镜头(如长镜头、蒙太奇镜头和特写镜头),来表现提升戏曲艺术的表现空间。

    The second chapter basically analysis in the movie drama , using the shot ( such as long lenses , montage technique and close-up performance ) to improve the representation space of drama art .

  3. 传统的Web语言HTML实际上是一种文本显示语言,它对于描述和表现空间信息有先天的缺陷和不足。

    HTML , the traditional web language , actually is a text display language and has the inherent limitation and insufficiency in describing and displaying spatial information .

  4. 结合GIS的信息管理模式比传统的信息管理更能实时地表现空间数据,提高了自然保护区的科研与工作效率。

    The mode of information management based on GIS could show the spatial data at real time better than traditional mode , as well as improve the efficiency of the scientific research and other works .

  5. 以扩展中国画的表现空间。

    To expand the performance space in Chinese painting .

  6. 小说的叙事风格与电影的表现空间

    The Narrative Style of the Novels and the Expressing Rooms of the Movies

  7. 拓展架上油画的艺术表现空间

    Broadening the Expressive Space of Easel Oil Painting

  8. 椭圆球面钢网壳是一种新颖的钢屋盖形式,为建筑师提供了广阔的表现空间。

    Ellipsoid reticulated shell structures are new steel structure form of roof . They provide an extensive space for architects .

  9. 数字化使得艺术家有了更多的表现空间,新媒体也使越来越多的观众产生兴趣。

    Digitization makes the artist have more behavior spaces , the new media makes more and more audiences become interested too .

  10. 中国山水画与欧洲风景画在表现空间上除了近大远小与透视等方式外,还用其它方式表现空间。

    Besides the common expressions of space in Chinese landscape painting and European scenery painting , there are also some different methods .

  11. 木材是大家普遍认同的,作为一个理想的表面处理,在一般建筑空间,以及关键性的听力和表现空间。

    Wood is generally accepted as a desirable surface treatment in general architectural spaces , as well as critical listening and performance spaces .

  12. 然后将从装置作品和一些“大地版画”去研究印痕美的表现空间以及大致的发展趋势。

    Then it will study the show space and the development trend of moulage beauty from the equipment works and some " earth print " .

  13. 借景是中国园林中常用的造景方法之一,也是表现空间意境的重要方式。

    Borrowed scenery is one of the common landscaping practices which usually used in landscape , and , the important way of performance space conception .

  14. 从中我们可以看出传统意义上的诸多程式在不断退化,在总体发展上有了更加自由的表现空间。

    It could be seen in the traditional sense of the rules in the degradation of wholly development with a much more free space for expression .

  15. 这一崭新的文学形式不仅使他走到了时代文学的前列,而且也给他的精神追求以合适的表现空间。

    This brand-new literature form not only makes him play a leading role in the era of contemporary literature but also gives his spiritual pursuit appropriate space .

  16. 这种把意识锁定于宗教的写作,却可能会导致文学本身表现空间的单一化和狭窄化。

    This kind of lock on the religious consciousness of the writing , but literature itself may cause the performance of the space of a single and narrow .

  17. 她通过大量岩彩静物画的研究与实践,积累了丰富的岩彩画创作经验,并拓展了岩彩画新的表现空间与审美范畴。

    An extensive study and practice in the field of rock-color still life painting enables her to accumulate rich experience and expand the expressive and aesthetical scope of rock-color painting .

  18. 室内光环境的营造不仅能作为调整空间结构、表现空间质感和空间色调的实用手段,而且还会营造出一种以人为主体的和谐空间,引导人们进入某种心的意境。

    Besides adjusting the space structure and stressing the texture and tones , light can also be used to create a humanized harmonious space leading people into a certain mood .

  19. 参数化的设计方法不但拓宽了艺术设计的表现空间,其内在的哲学理念已成为图形创作理念变迁的一个诱因。

    Parametric design approach not only broadens the artistic design of the performance space , and its inherent philosophy has become the changes of the concept of a graphics creation incentives .

  20. 文章研究方向旨在探索水彩画的表现空间,其着眼于具象绘画语言的创作过程中如何表现抽象思维。

    This paper studies the main aim is to explore the performance space watercolor , figurative painting and its starting point in the creative process of how the language abstract thinking performance .

  21. 我们要学会大胆吸取他人的艺术特色,增强想象力,积极拓展自己的绘画语言和表现空间,开拓出一番新的艺术天地,这才是我艺术生存、发展的关键!

    We need learn extract other art trait , gather imaginations , develop painting language and exhibition space , exploit new art world . The key lies in exist and development of art .

  22. 敏锐的人类学家却意识到了这种光与影结合的技术在田野调查、教学研究以及保存异文化模式方面具有文字所无法比拟的表现空间。

    The anthropologists are acutely aware that this combination technology of Light and film have by text incomparable performance space in the field research 、 teaching research and preserving the culture of different models .

  23. 陶艺借助于城市这个载体,丰富了其表现空间和呈现方式;而城市公共建设则借助环境陶艺,更加完善了其社会功能、艺术氛围和文化内涵。

    With this vector pottery town , rich in its presentation of the performance space and the construction of the ceramic art of environment with more features to improve its social , artistic and cultural atmosphere .

  24. 绘画表现空间源于画家对自然的理解,也就是处于空间状态下的画家表现自然的过程,这个过程是以写实为前提进行剖析的。

    Performance space for artists painting from the understanding of nature , that is , in the space state of the natural course of the performance artist , this process is to analyze the realism of the premise .

  25. 多媒体技术和影像制作技术的提高,使教师影像获得了更大,更丰富的表现空间,而网络技术提供的即时交互功能,更为师生交流对话提供了良好的技术平台。

    The improvement of multi-media technology and picture production technology give teachers a larger and richer space to present themselves whereas the immediately interactive function provided by web technology give teachers a good technological platform to exchange with students .

  26. 萧红在真与美的统一中,在更完整的女性视角层面、更鲜活的个体生命层面和更深刻的文化层面,完成了对黑土地的真诚诉说,拓展了东北作家群创作的表现空间。

    Xiao Hong in unity of truth and beauty , in a more complete female perspective dimension , more vivid individual life level and deeper cultural dimensions , completed a genuine say black , expand Northeast writers writing performance space .

  27. 材料介入当代陶瓷,所形成的视觉新形态的研究不仅有助于陶瓷表现空间的延伸,而且更有利于陶瓷更好融入当代艺术之中成为国际语言。

    Materials involved in contemporary ceramics , the formation of new forms of visual will not only help the performance of spatial extension of ceramics , but also conducive to better integration of ceramics into an international language of contemporary art .

  28. 本文阐述了软装饰在家具展会展示设计中的功能:体现企业品牌形象、改善空间的形态、柔化室内的感觉、表现空间的意向、突出展示家具的卖点。

    In this paper , soft decoration show in the furniture design exhibition features : reflect corporate brand image , improving public space , soften the feeling of room , performance space , intentions , highlight the selling points of furniture .

  29. 自然科学教学过程中培养学生创新思维品质应从开发学生活动空间、开拓学生思维空间、提供学生表现空间三方面入手。

    In the teaching of science , teachers should pay attention to fostering students abilities and qualities of innovational thinking by widening the students ' thinking space , exploiting the students ' activity space and providing the students with chances of acting .

  30. 作家除了应保持民间立场和底层体验的内省精神外,更应拓展乡土文学的表现空间,来表现人与土地的关系,要有深层的文化蕴涵,要写命运与人。

    Besides preserving rural standpoint and reflective spirit of the rural experience , writers still should stretch the development fields of rural literature to show the relation between human and earth , have deep-seated cultural quality , and write fortune and human beings .