
  • 网络depth perception;sense of depth;Depth Cues
  1. 进一步地,为了加强立体深度感和模型真实感,完成了视点参数设置、背景置换、纹理、光照、材质改变以及拾取、缩放等编辑和控制功能,使系统更加强大和实用。

    Thirdly , for the better effects of depth perception and third dimension , some functions for editing and controlling are developed including viewpoint parameters setting , material changing , illumination changing , picking etc.

  2. 获取录音的深度感

    Achieving Depth Perception in Recording

  3. 利用统一渲染GPU对粒子、线段、公告牌等的绘制与输出功能,在千万级数据集上达到较强的深度感与交互级的绘制性能;

    Using the unified shader GPU to render and output particles , line segments and billboards , we have achieved strong depth cue and interactive performance on rendering tens of millions of data .

  4. 板上所贴的薄膜赋予了灯板深度感。

    A film applied to the panel gives the light panel depth .

  5. 通过立体图像人们可以观察到具有真实深度感的景物,就好像物体都真实地摆在眼前。

    People can see a real sense with depth by the stereo image , just like see the real things .

  6. 这使一张图片看起来比另一些快照更具所需要的深度感。

    This can give a picture the feeling of depth it needs to make it more than just another snapshot .

  7. 我们自己未知的深度感、我们自己未发展的深刻感、才是我们所要谈的地方。

    The depth of what we don 't know , the deepness of our own underdevelopment is where we talk from .

  8. 结果双眼视的实际调节平面远于目标平面,彩色体视图有较大深度感。

    RESULTS The plane of accommodation is more far than the target plane . The binocular vision depth is quite far .

  9. 在多种艺术手法的交叉运用中,在形而下现实生活和形而上审美意境中,他的悲剧叙事呈现深度感和美感相得益彰的局面。

    With a variety of artistic practices in the novel , his tragic sense of narrative depth and beauty complement present situation .

  10. 然而,我们的深度感不很好地工作,除非我们的主题从光引人注目朝着正确的方向发展。

    However , our sense of depth doesn 't work very well unless light is striking our subject from the right direction .

  11. 这一层额外的大气可以显著增加作品的可信度,并且使作品产生深度感。

    This additional atmosphere really helps to sell that your image exists in the world , and gives it a sense of depth .

  12. 由于播放器的限制,目前网络传输的视频还停留在平面图像的基础上,缺乏深度感。

    Due to the limit of video players , most of the video transmitted on the Internet is plane , which has no reality .

  13. 虽然球照明是一个很好的粗略肖像画、广泛的照明角度可以用来达到上述深度感。

    Although sphere lighting is a good rough guide for portraits , a wide range of lighting angles could have been used to achieve the above sense of depth .

  14. 植物、石头、房屋和一些首府建筑中重要的部分,就是你在右下角看到的,它是来增加画面的深度感的。

    Vegetation , stones , houses and the most important thing a capital , as you can see down on the right side , to give depth to the scene .

  15. 用数据场差分替代原数据场,计算三维数据场的动态调节因子,通过模拟补偿图像的深度感和真实感,动态地调节图像质量。

    The algorithm calculates the dynamic adjustor of3D data field to adjust the image quality dynamically by simulating and compensating the realistic effect and depth effect of the rendering image .

  16. 在小雨模型中,只采用单层骨架,在大雨模型中,则采用多层雨滴以表示降雨的深度感,并添加溅落到地面的雨滴,以进一步强调效果。

    The single pass is used in the light rain model and the multiple passes are used in the heavy rain model , and in the later case the effects is enhanced by animating a cycle of drops hitting the ground .

  17. 而平面设计中的艺术空间是在二维的平面中,创造出立体感、深度感的空间效果,从而使观者感受到空间流畅,产生更多的联想,释放更多美感,引发更加丰富的想象空间。

    But the artistic space of the graphic design is to create the space effect of solid and the depth feeling in the two-dimensional plane , thus to feel the smooth space , have more association , release more esthetic sense and initiates the richer imagination space .

  18. 如此感受自己的身体核心开启了一种可以应用在生活各个层面的平静与深度放松感。

    And freeing your center creates a sense of relaxation and calm that can infuse all your activities .

  19. 基于边缘与深度特征的感兴趣区域检测技术

    Detecting the Regions of Interest with Edge and Depth Information

  20. 你是如何在立体声声像里面营造深度和立体感的?

    How do you achieve depth or that third dimension in a stereo image ?

  21. 还是很富有深度,持续感更高的模式与要素令你放不开手?

    Or does a deep array of lasting modes and features make or break a game for you ?

  22. 结论神经根型颈椎病的疗效优劣与针刺深度和针感是否传至病变部位有关。

    Conclusion the therapeutic effect of cervical spondylosis of nerve root is related to the depth of acupuncture and of propagated needling sensation to the affected area .

  23. 我去过其他亚洲国家,比如印度。但是日本不同。它的社会表象对美国人来说有深度的共识感。

    Differently from an Asian country like India , where I 've also spent time , the social iconography of Japan is profoundly recognizable to an American .

  24. 这个图案仔细看进去,它有深度的,空间感很强。

    Have a close look at the design , it is in depth and with a strong spatial sense .