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  1. 肌肤持续明亮,闪耀美丽透白亮采。

    Skin continued to bright , shining beauty of transparent white Radiance .

  2. 干旱荒漠地区白刺采穗圃的建造技术初报

    A Primary Study on Construction Techniques of Nitraria Seeds ' Garden in Arid Hungriness Area

  3. 结果表明,温度是影响白芦笋采后生理指标和营养成分的决定因素,其中以4℃贮藏效果最好。

    The results proved that temperature played an important role in deciding the indexes and nutrition of white asparagus , and 4 ℃ had the best storage effect .

  4. 下关水白坐也采散到了十年以去的最下值。江中的12个小坝未经报导了否能入隐的危夷状况。

    The Xiaguan Hydrological station also logged the highest level in a decade.12 dams in Jiangxi province have reported possible breaches .

  5. CaM含量以采前白熟期和采后明显衰老期为最高。

    There were highest CaM content at white stage in preharvest fruits and at marked senescence stage in postharvest ones .

  6. 对白细胞淤积患者进行白细跑单采去除术的护理体会

    Nursing Realizes of a Therapy of Single Adopt White Blood cell Away for Patient with White Blood cell Silt Up

  7. 金阳公路下伏矿体的老顶白云岩和现采场的老顶白云岩在岩体工程性质量上是一致的,都是Ⅱ类岩接近Ⅰ类岩石。

    Both of the old board rock of ore bodies that bellow Jingyang road and the old board rock of mining room now are belong to same nature of rock is the second category nearly the first type .