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bái dīng
  • commoner;illiterate person;common man;common people in Chinese feudal society;private
白丁 [bái dīng]
  • (1) [common people in Chinese feudal society;illiterate person]∶没有取得功名的平民

  • 往来无白丁。--唐. 刘禹锡《陋室铭》

  • (2) [commoner] [古]∶平民。也指临时征集的无军籍的壮丁

白丁[bái dīng]
  1. 谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。(刘禹锡《陋室铭》)

    Within ; the laugh of cultured wit ; where no gross soul intrudes .

  2. 21世纪白丁酸甜报告

    The Report of White DINKs ' Sour and Sweet Life in 21st Century

  3. 眼下我是白丁一个,但是我会当教授的。

    At the moment I 'm only a mister , but I 'll be a professor .

  4. 监狱和武器库的大门向白丁敞开。

    The doors of the prisons , as well as the armouries , have been flung open .