
  • 网络Organizational Awareness;organization awareness
  1. BNPB的发言人Dewanto说该组织意识到了在明打威群岛缺乏警报器。

    Dewanto , a spokesperson for the BNPB , said the organisation was aware of the lack of sirens on the Mentawai islands .

  2. 世卫组织意识到哮喘具有很高的公共卫生重要性。

    WHO recognizes that asthma is of major public health importance .

  3. 注重个人的发展,精神性组织意识到了员工的价值。

    Focus on individual development Spiritual organizations recognize the worth and value of individuals .

  4. 世卫组织意识到有些媒体报道对大流行性流感疫苗的安全性表示关注。

    WHO is aware of some media reports that have expressed concern about the safety of vaccines for pandemic influenza .

  5. 随后,越来越多的国家和国际组织意识到保护民间文学艺术的必要性以及重要性。

    Later , more and more countries and international organizations began to realize the importance of the legal protection of Folklore .

  6. 然而,IT组织意识到这种方法拆分了组织,阻碍了他们增加商业价值的能力,也必然影响了他们的初衷。

    However , IT organizations are realizing that separating the groups in this way inhibits their ability to add value to the business and positively affect the bottom line .

  7. 数学主题式教学设计发端于对学生数学五大意识(即教学组织意识、内容主题意识、知识应用意识、问题激趣意识与课外延伸意识)的诊断;

    Mathematical thematic instruction design originally comes from diagnosis of consciousness of teaching organization , content theme , application of knowledge , stimulation of awareness of problems and extension of extracurricular knowledge .

  8. 学习成绩不同等级的学生,他们在教学组织意识、内容主题意识、知识应用意识、问题激趣意识和课外延伸意识五个方面均表现出不同的等级性。

    Students in different levels of records show different grades in consciousness of teaching organization , content theme , application of knowledge , stimulation of awareness of problems and extension of extracurricular knowledge .

  9. 在艰难地度过了一段主要是由于其政治环境带来的困难之后,这个公司进入了一个在财务和组织意识都遭到严重打击的新的十年。

    After passing through a period of difficulties emerged mostly from the crisis in its political surroundings , the company is entering the new decade quite damaged in both financial and organizational sense .

  10. 随着数据集越来越大和分配来处理它们的时间越来越少,亟需寻找更具创意的技术,有助于组织意识到他们将面对一个数据驱动的未来。

    As data sets get bigger and the time allotted to their processing shrinks , look for ever more innovative technology to help organizations glean the insights they 'll need to face an increasingly data-driven future .

  11. 盖茨的一位发言人告诉GeekWire说,他参与礼物交换活动,在某种程度上是为了提高对国际小母牛组织的意识。

    A Gates spokesman told GeekWire he joined the gift exchange in part to raise awareness for Heifer International .

  12. 略论信息意识与信息组织信息意识与信息政策的互动关系分析

    Analysis on the Interdynamic Relation between Information Consciousness and Information Policy

  13. 强化高校基层党组织党员意识的思考

    On Improving College Grass-Roots Party Members ' Sense of Membership

  14. 论现场勘查中的组织指挥意识

    On Organizing and Commanding Consciousness of Crime Scene Investigation

  15. 交付组织应该意识到这些反模式并做好防范措施。

    Delivery organizations should therefore be aware of these antipatterns and plan for their prevention .

  16. 在救助的过程中民间组织逐渐意识到合作的必要性。

    During the process of relief , the non-governmental organizations had realized the need for cooperation .

  17. 战略调配:组织有意识地努力去改变它的工作环境的边界。

    Strategic maneuvering the organization 's conscious efforts to change the boundaries of its task environment .

  18. 某些组织已经意识到了这种新的形势,开始将IS/IT作为合作伙伴对待。

    Some organisations have recognised this new reality and started to treat IS / IT as partners .

  19. 然而,非常多的组织没有意识到许多入侵者是来自内部网络的。

    However , far too many organizations fail to realize that many intruders are on the inside .

  20. 机构组织必须意识到,创造力与创新已不再仅仅为少数几个特定行业所需要。

    Organisations need to realise that creativity and innovation is no longer only needed in a select few industries .

  21. 在我们的经验中,组织经常意识到他们需要一些东西,但是又不能总是清楚的指出紧迫性。

    In our experience , organizations often realize that they need to do something , but cannot always pinpoint the urgency specifically .

  22. 资助基金组织已经意识到,博士在劳动力市场中,技能难以发挥。

    The organisations that pay for research have realised that many PhDs find it tough to transfer their skills into the job market .

  23. 因此,越来越多的组织开始意识到了员工参与决策,提高员工主动性的重要性。

    As a result , more and more organizations begin to realize the importance of employee participation in decision-making and improving employee initiative .

  24. 它包含了所有的组织必须意识到的关键问题,无论是与政府机构还是和私人实体做生意。

    It contains key elements that all organizations should be aware of , whether they are conducting business with a government agency , or with private entities .

  25. 借鉴国外经验,新型农民的培养必须大力发展农村职业教育,加快农业科技推广,加大农民培训力度,提高农民的组织化意识。

    Therefore , it will be significant to develop rural career education , expedite the generalization of agricultural technology , train tens of millions of farmers and enhance their organizational level .

  26. 马克思始终从工人阶级的组织和意识的现有水平起继续推进,通过自己的无与伦比的介入以谋求使其达到更高水平。

    Marx always proceeded from the existing level of organisation and consciousness of the working class , seeking through his own priceless intervention , to take it to a higher plane .

  27. 讨论了在实行学分制后,高校应积极采取项目管理模式开展素质教育活动,增强学生及各级学生组织创新意识和管理能力,提升素质教育活动的质量;

    After the credit system , all the colleges should take active management model to carry on quality education activity and strengthen organization innovation ideology and management ability of all the students .

  28. 心智游移与情绪的关系研究,不仅有助于我们深入理解情绪是如何影响个体这种自发组织的意识体验而且也助于为情绪障碍和认知功能损伤的干预研究提供一个新的切入角度。

    The researches of the relationship between mind-wandering and emotion give us a better understanding of how emotion affects such involuntary conscious experience and a new direction of the therapy of emotion disorders and cognitive impairment .

  29. 同时,世卫组织充分意识到其创建者预见的更广泛作用:提供一个机制,使世界各国能够合作追求更好的卫生保健。

    At the same time , WHO was fully aware of the broader role foreseen by its founders : to provide a mechanism through which all countries of the world could collaborate in the pursuit of better health .

  30. 所谓团队冲突,是指团队中一方(包括个体、群体或组织)意识到另一方正在或者即将要采取阻碍、破坏、危害自己实现目标的行动过程。

    So-called " team conflict " means a party in the team ( include individual , group , or organization ) realize the other party is or will take the action to hinder , destroy , and harm the party to achieve its goal .