
  1. 根据化石组合,龙家沟盆地的地层可划分为中侏罗统龙家沟组,上白垩统及上中新统保德组。

    The strata of Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the basin can be divided into three parts , Middle Jurassic ( Longjiagou Formation ), Lower Cretaceous and Upper Miocene ( Baode Formation ) .

  2. 大胆地组合了Deleon龙舌兰酒、HaigClub威士忌酒和AviationAmerican杜松子酒,混合坦帕湾和堪萨斯城的自然香气。

    A daring combination of Deleon Tequila , Haig Club Whisky , Aviation American Gin and natural flavors found in both Tampa Bay and Kansas City .