
  • 网络Lydia Sum;Lydia;Lydia Shum
  1. 林丽德(沈殿霞饰)是香港顶级点心师傅兼店东。

    Lydia Lum ( Lydia Sum ) was a top dim sum chef cum restaurant owner back home in Hong Kong .

  2. 沈殿霞,被称为肥肥或肥沈,香港一著名喜剧女演员,周二早上在香港某医院因肝瘤以及其他的并发症病逝。

    Lydia Shum Din-Ha , known as Fei-fei , or Fatty , and one of Hong Kong 's most popular comedian actresses , died of liver tumor and other complications on Tuesday morning in a hospital in Hong Kong .

  3. 1985年,沈殿霞和郑少秋结束了10年的同居生活,正式结为夫妻。

    Shum married Hong Kong actor and singer Adam Cheng Siu-chow in1985 after they lived together for10 years .

  4. 凭借招牌微笑,黑边眼镜以及猫头鹰式的喜剧发式,沈殿霞树立起了自己在演艺圈的地位。

    With her signature smile , dark-rimmed glasses and comic hairstyle , Shum established herself as a comic and dramatic actress .

  5. 沈殿霞1947年7月出生于上海的一个富裕家庭。她在家里的九姐弟中排行老六。

    Shum was born in July , 1947 into a well-off large family in Shanghai and ranked the sixth among the family 's nine children .

  6. 台湾娱乐新闻台最新消息,沈殿霞因肝脏肿瘤于香港玛丽医院病逝,享年60岁。

    Local channel Cable TV News said in a report she died of liver tumor in Queen Mary Hospital . Shum , also known as Lydia Sum , was60 years old .