
yē sū shòu nàn rì
  • Good Friday
  1. 在耶稣受难日,朝圣者们将沿着耶稣的足迹走过这十四个地点,然后朝拜耶稣走向十字架的地方。

    On Good Friday , pilgrims will visit the Via Dolorosa , following Jesus'path to the14 Stations of the Cross .

  2. 他指出,片中的动作情节大多发生在耶稣受难日,展示出人类为争取正直所受的痛苦。

    He noted that most of the action takes place on Good Friday and that the film showed the pain of human struggle for integrity .

  3. 来自华盛顿特区的SallyStanfield说,耶路撒冷的耶稣受难日赋予圣经生命。

    Sally Stanfield of Washington , D.C. said Jerusalem on Good Friday brings the Bible to life .

  4. 有的家庭已经开始为地震遇难者举行私人葬礼,周五拉奎拉将为100到150名地震遇难者举行一场集体葬礼。梵蒂冈国务卿CardinalTarcisioBertone将主持这次集体葬礼,由于耶稣受难日通常不举办葬礼,这次葬礼需要进行特别的安排。

    Some families have already started holding private funeral services for the victims of the quake . A mass funeral for between 100 and 150 of those who were killed will be held Friday in l'Aquila .

  5. 他是恢复北爱尔兰权力下放政府的核心人物,权力下放是1998年《耶稣受难日和平协议》中的关键内容。

    He was central to restoring Northern Ireland 's devolved government , a key element of the 1998 Good Friday peace accord .

  6. 圣礼拜四是指受难日,也就是复活节前的礼拜五,之前的那个礼拜四,按照传统,耶稣在受难日行刑。

    Maundy Thursday refers to the Thursday before Good Friday , which is the Friday before Easter , and on Good Friday according to the tradition Jesus was executed .

  7. 这一迷信可能起源于耶稣基督的受难日是星期五。另一原因是,星期五处决犯人的旧俗曾持续多年,人们称星期五为“刽子手的工作日”。

    People have this superstition probably because they believe that Jesus Christ was put to death on the cross on Friday , and also because Friday was for many years the day of execution of criminals , commonly called " hang-man 's day . "

  8. 香料足足,葡萄干满满的餐包是用鸡蛋和黄油做的,据传耶稣在四旬斋的时候就是吃这个的,所以后来人们在耶稣受难日当天的早餐都吃十字餐包。

    The spiced , raisin-studded buns are made with eggs and butter , which Christians were forbidden to eat during the40 days of Lent , and were usually eaten for breakfast on Good Friday .