
  • 网络Jeremiah;jeremia
  1. 在这条战线上,唯一让人觉得事情确实发生了改变的场合,是当有人指控奥巴马(Obama)支持发表煽动性言论的牧师耶利米•赖特(JeremiahWright)时,奥巴马所回应的讲话。

    The only time things seemed to really change on this front was Obama 's speech on race in response to the accusations of his support for the firebrand pastor , Jeremiah Wright .

  2. 次日,巴施户珥将耶利米开枷释放。

    Then on the day after , Pashhur let Jeremiah loose .

  3. 不过耶利米•欧阳近日在科技博客Mashable的一篇文章中警告称,一旦这个沟通渠道失去了真实性,它们可能会褪变成“另一个过度品牌化的企业媒体”,失去最初的吸引力。

    When authenticity leaves the room , Owyang warns in a recent Mashable article , these channels may become " yet another over-branded corporate medium , " losing their primary appeal .

  4. 我耶利米就知道这是耶和华的话。

    Then I knew that this was the word of the LORD .

  5. 先知耶利米写给被掳者的信中对他们有何劝勉?

    What encouragements were there in Jeremiah 's letter to the exile ?

  6. 耶利米与乌利亚有何异同?

    What similarities and contrasts can you find between Jeremiah and Uriah ?

  7. 这样,耶利米仍在护卫兵的院中。

    Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison .

  8. 耶利米仍在护卫兵的12院中。

    And Jeremiah remained in the courtyard of the guard .

  9. 耶利米说,迦勒底人必不将你交出。

    But Jeremiah said , they shall not deliver thee .

  10. 耶利米对他们说,你们当对西底家这样说

    Then said Jeremiah unto them , Thus shall ye say to Zedekiah

  11. 我们只抽“耶利米哀歌”那章,正好配香烟。

    We only smoke the Lamentations . Just right for a cigarette .

  12. 在答比匿,耶和华的话临到耶利米说

    Then came the word of the LORD unto Jeremiah in Tahpanhes , saying

  13. 上帝的先知耶利米被作为囚犯关到一座井中。

    Jeremiah the prophet of God was put down a well as prisoner .

  14. 耶利米,你舌头就不应该折起来吗?

    Jeremiah , ought not your tongue be held ?

  15. 于是耶和华问我说,耶利米你看见什么。

    Then said the LORD unto me , What seest thou , Jeremiah ?

  16. 耶14:1耶和华论到乾旱之灾的话、临到耶利米。

    The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah concerning the dearth .

  17. 第十耶利米,第十一末巴奈。

    Jeremiah the tenth , Machbanai the eleventh .

  18. 于是先知耶利米就走了。

    And the prophet Jeremiah went his way .

  19. 旧约的一卷,包含先知耶利米的神谕。

    A book in the Old Testament containing the oracles of the prophet jeremiah .

  20. 祭司西番雅就把这信念给先知耶利米听。

    And Zephaniah the priest read this letter in the ears of Jeremiah the prophet .

  21. 他母亲名叫哈慕她,是立拿人耶利米的女儿。

    His mother 's name was Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah ; she was from Libnah .

  22. 于是众民都在耶和华的殿中聚集到耶利米那里。

    And all the people were gathered against Jeremiah in the house of the LORD .

  23. 耶和华论列国的话临到先知耶利米。

    The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the prophet about the nations .

  24. 耶利米埋腰带的行动剧主要表达什麽信息?

    What is the main message expressed by Jeremiah 's burial of his waist belt ?

  25. 耶利米将一切要临到巴比伦的灾祸,就是论到巴比伦的一切话,写在书上。

    And Jeremiah put in a book all the evil which was to come on Babylon .

  26. 耶利米说,你这是谎话,我并不是投降迦勒底人。

    Then said Jeremiah , It is false ; I fall not away to the Chaldeans .

  27. 耶利米反而是领受神的启示,谴责这个国家妓女的心。

    But instead , Jeremiah receives a divine oracle castigating the nation for its whoring heart .

  28. 新译本:耶利米进了地牢里的一个囚房,在那里监禁了多日。

    GWT : Jeremiah went into a prison cell , and he stayed there a long time .

  29. 过了十天,耶和华的话临到耶利米。

    And it came about that after ten days the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah .

  30. 耶利米是上帝的先知并著有两部著作-耶利米书和耶利米哀歌。

    Jeremiah , was a prophet of God and wrote two books or scrolls - Jeremiah and Lamentations .