
  1. 借助望远镜可以看出在地平线上有一只船。

    With the aid of a telescope a ship could be made out on the horizon .

  2. 他们用混凝土造了一只船。

    They formed a boat out of concrete .

  3. 西尔弗在另一只船上喊了一句,以便确定是不是我。

    But Silver called from the other boat , wanting to know if it was me .

  4. 今天,不再说一只船,而是说一个人sailunderfalsecolors。

    Today , a person , not a ship , is said to sail under false colors .

  5. 一只船撞上了另一只并且沉了。

    One of the boats hit another boat and it sank .

  6. 突然,苏里对我叫着:看,一只船。

    Suddenly Xury called to me , 'Look , a ship ! '

  7. 我们陆续跳在一只船上。

    One after another , we hopped into one of the boats .

  8. 声音似乎是从另一只船上传过来的。

    The sound seemed to be coming from that boat over there .

  9. 在这样的暴风雨中,没有一只船能长期坚持下去。

    No ship could long survive in such a storm .

  10. 人生好像一只船,世界好像大海。

    Life is like a ship , and the world an ocean .

  11. 他用零碎木料做了一只船的模型。

    He modelled a ship out of bits of wood .

  12. 一只船在雾中隐隐出现。

    A ship loomed ( up ) through the fog .

  13. 你还得去摧毁另一只船!

    You 're just gonna blow up with the other ship anyway !

  14. 我们决定当天雇一只船。

    We decided to hire a boat for the day .

  15. 突然,苏里对我叫着,“看哪,一只船!”

    Suddenly Xury called to me , ' Look , a ship ! '

  16. 哈利、罗恩、尼维尔和荷米恩坐上了同一只船。

    Harry and Ron were followed into their boat by Neville and Hermione .

  17. 他突然看见了河里的一只船。

    He suddenly saw a ship in the river .

  18. 有时是一只船。很高的星。

    Sometimes a sail . high , high stars .

  19. 尽快给我安排一只船。

    Send me a boat as soon as possibie .

  20. 曾经有一只船经过岛屿。

    Once a ship passed by the island .

  21. 偶尔一只船上有人在说话。

    Sometimes someone would speak in a boat .

  22. 看起来像一只船。

    Chandler : It looks like a boat .

  23. 他装备了一只船准备出航。

    He equipped a ship for a voyage .

  24. 这是他们船队中最豪华的一只船。

    The most luxurious ship in their fleet .

  25. 河里有一只船。

    There is a boat on the river .

  26. 这时一只船过来问他:“需要帮忙吗?”

    And a boat came by and said ," Do you need any help ?"

  27. 放一只船在你手指的波浪。

    Sail a boat on finger waves .

  28. 来了一只船,上面有几个年轻姑娘。

    A boat , in which were a few young girls , came rowing up .

  29. 发现远处有一只船。

    Spy a ship in the distance .

  30. 看到地平线上出现一只船,我们连忙升起遇险信号旗。

    Seeing a ship on the horizon , we ran up a flag of distress .