
yī piàn yún
  • a sea of clouds;flake of cloud
  1. 夜晚的天空没有一片云。

    There wasn 't a cloud in the night sky .

  2. 在爆炸后残留的一片云之上的公寓。

    In an apartment above the cloud left by the blast .

  3. 天空几乎没有一片云。

    There 's hardly a cloud in the sky .

  4. 天空中没有一片云,月光照在湖面上闪闪发光。

    The sky was clear , and moonlight was shimmering on the lake .

  5. 月亮从一片云后隐现出来。

    The moon peeped out from behind a cloud .

  6. 那一片云看起来像一只兔子。

    And that one looks like a rabbit .

  7. 曼彻森说他看见了一片云笼罩在冰面上。

    He told of seeing a lone cloud as if lying on the ice .

  8. 太阳消失在一片云后面。

    The sun disappeared behind a cloud .

  9. 天空一片云也没有,只有明亮清晰的点点繁星。

    There was not a single cloud in the sky and the stars were bright and clear .

  10. 接着,他又变成了一片云,涌进田野和村庄里,被所有的人大骂着。

    Then he became the cloud , flooding the fields and villages , shouted at by everyone .

  11. 经过了七天虔诚的求雨,依然是烈日当空,连一片云也没有。

    After seven days of sincere prayer for rain , the sun was still scorching without a cloud insight .

  12. 我不后悔,只觉得空虚,像一片云那样的无倚无靠。

    Though I had no regrets , there was an emptiness in my heart . I was like a lone and drifting cloud .

  13. 单独一片云不会产生虹,必须要有结晶水珠才能反映太阳的光线。

    Nor does a cloud alone give a rainbow , there must be the crystal drops to reflect the light of the sun .

  14. 第二天早上天气晴朗,海面上没有一丝风,深蓝色的天空中没有一片云。

    The next morning was Bright and clear : there was not a Breath of wind on the surface of the sea , not a cloud in the deep Blue sky .

  15. 父母对子女的牵挂,就像一片云,随着天空中的飞鸟四处飘荡,穿越千山万水,萦绕在子女心头。

    Parents concerned about their children , like a cloud , with four birds in the sky floating around , crossing mountains and seas , lingering in the minds of their children .

  16. 徐志摩经典诗歌我是天空里的一片云,偶尔投影在你的波心你不必讶异,更无须欢喜在转瞬间消灭了踪影。

    I am a cloud in the sky , A chance shadow on the wave of your heart . Don 't be surprised , Or too elated ; In an instant I shall vanish without trace .

  17. 就象歌声中描述的:我是一片云,天空是我家,云计算为计算机技术的发展插上了翅膀,突破了所有的桎梏,必然会飞向天空。

    Just as described in the song ,' I was a cloud , the sky is my home ', cloud computing wings for the development of computer technology , breaking all the shackles , is bound into the sky .

  18. 这些20世纪初的诗歌显然令诗人们在全新的形式与表达的自由中狂欢,他们笔下的诗句有时不免陷入放纵的浪漫主义(“我是天空里的一片云,偶尔投影在你的波心”)。

    While these early-20th-century poets clearly reveled in new freedoms of form and expression , the writing sometimes veers into self-indulgent romanticism ( " I am a patch of cloud in the sky / Casting by chance a shadow on your heart " ) .

  19. 太阳消失在一大片云后面。

    The sun disappeared behind a bank of clouds .

  20. 这是一大片云,他跟自己说道,一片正在下降的云。

    It 's a cloud ," he said to himself , " a cloud coming down .

  21. 鹏鸟展开翅膀就像天空里的一大片云。

    When the bird was spreading its wings , it looked like huge clouds in the sky .

  22. 一缕烟[一小片云]

    A wisp of smoke [ cloud ]

  23. 鹏长得很大,背脊像一座大山,翅膀像一大片云,能把天空遮住。

    The roc was very huge , with its back like a big mountain , and its wings like a stretch of cloud which could cover the sky .

  24. 一个作家也许长时间思索稿笺仍空白,却因瞥见一片云、一只鸟、一朵花或一棵树而勾起灵感。

    A poet may ponder over a manuscript for a long time without any idea , but a sudden glimpse of a cloud , a bird , a flower or a tree may inspire him .