
yī cì xìnɡ fù kuǎn
  • lump-sum payment;in a single payment
  1. 报告呼吁政府提供更大的财政支持,加强对老年人的财务教育,减轻养老金领取者的贫困状况,包括彻底改革社保基金(SocialFund)。社保基金向弱势群体提供一次性付款、捐赠和贷款。

    It called on the government to provide greater financial support to improve financial education for older people and reduce pensioner poverty , including an overhaul of the Social Fund , which provides lump sum payments , grants and loans to the disadvantaged .

  2. 他们无法一次性付款买下房子。

    They can 't afford to buy the house outright .

  3. 购房一次性付款和分期付款哪个好?以一次付款方式买房。

    Purchase one-time payments and payments which good ?

  4. 农业、农村、农民&关注农村对分期付款和一次性付款二种付款方式的比较

    Pay attention to the country Comparing the payment by installments with payment by onetime

  5. 这分二手房和商品房,还分贷款和一次性付款。

    This divides hand room and commodity house , still divide loan and lump-sum payment .

  6. 对分期付款和一次性付款二种付款方式的比较

    In general , the amount of N_2 fixed Comparing the payment by installments with payment by onetime

  7. 新规定禁止俱乐部一次性付款给球员,因为球员可能将钱付给经纪人。

    These prohibit clubs from making one-off payments to players which they then use to pay their agent 's fees .

  8. 去年,它推出了“亚马逊优惠计划”,对一次性付款的顾客提供免费运输服务。

    Last year it introduced " Amazon Prime " , which provides free shipping in return for a one-off payment .

  9. 该公司原本打算从本月晚些时候起,开始对通过电话或在线完成一次性付款的客户收取2美元的额外费用。

    The company had planned to charge customers $ 2 for making one-time payments by phone or online later this month .

  10. 你可以转换为省钱而你的生命作抵押,并每年一次性付款,直到你就是按时足额抵押。

    You can switch and save money for the life of your mortgage and make yearly lump sum payments until your mortgage is paid in full .

  11. 以一次性付款方式条件下的价格界定同等条件,才能真正体现公平交易;

    Fair transaction can be virtually realized , when the " equal condition " is defined by the price made under the condition of the one time method of payment .

  12. 一般一次性付款方式是指签定合同后即行交付,合同有约定的依约定执行。

    Means of average lump-sum payment is to point to to consign goes namely after signing a contract , carry out what the contract has an agreement according to the agreement .

  13. 除非她是一个有责任心的人,并且遇到了暂时的意想不到的问题不然比方说她把车撞坏了,需要一次性付款买辆新的不要借钱给她。

    Unless she 's a responsible person and faced with an unexpected short-term problem say she totaled her car and needs help with the down payment on a new one do not loan her money .

  14. 验收合格的,发包人应当按照约定支付价款,并接收该建设工程。(3)、以上价格为一次性付款之每期单价。

    Once the construction project has passed the acceptance inspection , the developer shall pay the prescribed price and accept the construction project . The above-mentioned price is the price for lump-sum payment for each issue .

  15. 展望未来10年的英国住房市场,一次性付款的购房者比例很可能增长,而按揭业主的比例将继续缩小,巴恩斯说。

    Looking forward to the coming decade in the UK housing market , it seems likely that the proportion of outright owners will grow while the proportion of mortgaged owner-occupiers will continue to shrink , says Barnes .

  16. 然而,调查结果也包括一些鼓舞人心的亮点:尽管付费用户数量未见增长,但愿意成为“订阅用户”(指经常性交费,而非一次性付款、或只为24小时内阅读付费、或只是下载应用程序)的用户比例有所上升。

    However , it did contain some encouraging news for media groups as , even though paying customer numbers remained flat , the proportion willing to commit to subscriptions - as opposed to one-off payments , day passes or app downloads - increased .

  17. 尤其必须明确的是,在商品房买卖合同中,除了开发商采用保留所有权的担保形式,其他交易方式包括一次性付款、按揭等等都应采用物主负担风险原则。

    It is especially clear and definite that in the business contract , other business patterns including the lump-sun payment 、 the instalment payment and so on employ the principle which owners take the risk , apart from the security form of title retention adopted by the developing businessman .

  18. 将年金改为一次性总付款。

    Commute an annuity into a lump sum .

  19. 将年金改为一次性总付款.今年,诺贝尔奖的每一个奖项的奖金额有130万美元。

    Commute an annuity into a lump sum This year each prize is worth US $ 1.3 million .

  20. 产品,向您剩余每月收入,从而可以让您销售一次性获得付款下去。

    A product that pays you residual monthly income so you can make a sale one time and get paid FOREVER .

  21. 养老金常可改为一次性总付款.我们每次借款都得预付一笔利息。

    A pension is often commutable into a lump sum . We 've always had to pay a premium on the money we 've borrowed .

  22. 没有。匿名邮件,一次性转账的付款。

    Never got one . Anonymous emails , payments by one-time wire transfer .

  23. 它将作为支付一次性、一次性付款,应足以使它们能为他们的生活习惯。

    It will be paid as a one-time , lump sum payment and it should be enough to enable them to live as they are accustomed to living .