
  • 网络One-year ice;first-year ice;first year ice
  1. 比如说,今年西北航道上的一年冰融化时,就为多年冰从伊丽莎白群岛漂移至西北航道开辟了道路,从而堵塞西北航道。

    This year , for example , when the first-year ice in the passage had melted , it opened the way for multiyear ice ( MYI ) from the Queen Elizabeth Islands to flow into and clog the northwest passage .

  2. 渤海东部一年冰单轴压缩强度的应变速率敏感性

    The Strain-rate Sensitivity of Strength of Bohai Sea One-Year Ice under Uniaxial Compression

  3. 尽管推迟了一年,但是“冰上海地”却在太子港一炮走红。

    After a year of delays , " Haiti On Ice " appears to be a go in Port-au-Prince .