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  • first secretary
  1. 按照预先安排的计划,他打电话给一等秘书,请求约见大使。

    Working to a prearranged plan , he rang the First Secretary and requested an appointment with the Ambassador .

  2. 赫尔伯特·斯奎尔(HerbertSquiers),时任美国公使馆一等秘书,运走了几个火车车厢的艺术品,然后卖了它们,买了一架700吨的时髦游艇。

    Herbert Squiers , the first secretary at the United States Legation , loaded up rail cars with artworks and then sold them to buy a 700-ton state-of-the-art yacht .

  3. 留学瑞典的全新选择&访瑞典大使馆一等秘书穆锐涵

    A Completely New Choice to Study in Sweden

  4. 大使馆的一等秘书。

    The chief secretary of an embassy .

  5. 大使休假期间,职务由一等秘书代理。

    When the Ambassador is on leave , his duties devolve upon the First Secretary .