
  1. 他的信中说他在为一本书作试验。

    His letters said he was doingresearch for a book .

  2. 他们送给我一本书作生日礼物。

    They got me a book for my birthday .

  3. 他对你的一本书作了很不赞同的评介。

    He reviewed one of your books very unfavourably .

  4. 听说你在写一本大作。

    So you 're writing a big book .

  5. 无论某个学者对某一本书作了什么评价,无论他们如何众口一词地对它大加称赞,倘若它激不起你的兴趣,那么这本书就与你毫不相干。

    Whatever the learned say about a book , however unanimous they are in their praise of it , unless it interests you , it is no business of yours ① .

  6. 他的书是一本成功之作。

    His book is a success .

  7. 《西游记》作为一本游戏之作,对书中几乎每一个人物都采取了戏谑的态度。

    Monkey King , as a book of game , presents a sort of cynic attitude to every people 's description within it .

  8. 这是一本由哈里特·比彻·斯托所作的充满废奴情绪的小说,她是来自康涅狄格州的一名不起眼的主妇。

    A passionate antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe , an unknown housewife from Connecticut .