- 网络social insect

The ant is a typical social insects which belong to the family Formicidae of the Order Hymenoptera . Based on the statistics , the recorded ants in the world include 16 subfamilies , 296 genera , 9538 species .
And here , we can take inspiration from social insects .
Ants are the typical eusociality insect , belonging to Formicidae , Hymenoptera . Ant is a conspicuous component of terrestrial biodiversity .
Studies on Molecular Evolution of the Antimicrobial Peptide Genes of Social Insects
Our dictionary tells us that the ant is a social insect .
Ants are another group of social insects that have powerful chemical defenses .
Termites are dangerous social insects .
Honeybee is polyandry and eusocial-insect that they produce by colony fission and swarming who communicate with dancing and pheromone .
Termite is a group of socialized insect that causes serious damage in south area of the Yangtze River in China .
This paper summarizes about caste determination of social insect concerning gene regulation , These may offer some useful information for the correlative study .
Ants are social insects that can be easily identified by their elbowed antennae and a distinctive node-like structure that forms a slender waist .
Individual behaviour and ability of social insect are very simple and limited but colony of social insect can achieve complex tasks in cooperation .
Queen and worker are both diploids developed from fertilized eggs , but they have distinctive differences in morphology , physiology , behavior etc , belonging to two castes .
One of the most important characteristics of social insect is the caste determination , this process includes a female larva developing into a reproductive queen or a sterile worker .
The ant is a kind of social insect which is a type of wide distribution , the most of quantity and species insect , and it is also a kind of edible and medical resources insect .
The Polyrhachis vicina roger and the Apis mellifera , as the eusociality insect , are important resources insects because they have close relationship with human . It possesses important significance to investigate the reproduction and development of them .
The insect aggregation pheromone is attracting peoples attention for the active objection suitable to the IPM , although there are not many exploration compared with the insect sex pheromone now .