
  • 网络Group Website
  1. 这部电影没有出现在中影集团网站上发布的5月份放映计划中。

    This film is not listed on the May release schedule posted on the China Film Group website .

  2. 本文介绍了WWW数据库访问技术,通过对各种技术进行分析和比较,针对新华书店发行集团网站设计的需求,采用ASP技术实现数据的分页传输。

    This paper discusses the technologies of database access , and analyzes these technologies . By the demand of Xinhua Bookstore Publishing Group 's website , ASP paging technology is used to transmit mass data .

  3. 我国广播电视集团网站建设研究

    Study on the Website Building of Broadcasting & TV Groups in Our Country

  4. 欢迎到访铭鼎集团网站!

    Welcome to Meridian Industries Group !

  5. 除非另有说明,必维国际检验集团网站的所有内容均系必维国际检验局的财产。

    All content within the Bureau Veritas websites is the property of BUREAU VERITAS unless otherwise stated .

  6. 另外本文还分析了著名饭店集团网站上有关企业社会责任的信息并将其汇总。

    In addition , this paper also analyzed the performance in corporate social responsibility of some famous hotels .

  7. 据福喜集团网站显示,该公司自1992年开始向麦当劳中国公司供应产品,自2008年开始向百胜餐饮集团供应产品。

    OSI began supplying the Chinese operations of McDonald 's in 1992 and those of Yum in 2008 , according to the meat processor 's website .

  8. 接下来论文重点对国内出版社网站进行内容分析,此次调查共访问了35家国内出版社网站(包括5家出版集团网站),并对这35家网站进行详细的量化统计分析。

    This ' investigation altogether visited 35 domestic publishing houses ' websites , including 5 publishing group websites , and it carries on the detailed analysis of quantification statistics .

  9. 申请参加登记,从集团公司网站的专用页拜托您了。

    Entry registration on special page of group corporate site , please .

  10. 由于在吉尔特集团的网站上,一件商品的销售时间非常短暂,这就对顾客形成了一种激励,刺激他们迅速把产品抢到手。

    The short-term nature of the sales , for one , creates an incentive to snap up deals quickly .

  11. 中国出版集团的网站称,该集团占有约70%的市场份额,但并未说清楚它所指的总体市场是什么。

    Its website states that it holds a market share of about 70 per cent , but it was unclear what total market it was referring to .

  12. 中石油总裁汪东进本月在集团公司网站上的一份声明中表示,两个实体今年的利润都显著下降。

    Income at both entities has dropped " dramatically " this year , PetroChina president Wang Dongjin said in a statement on CNPC 's website this month .

  13. 访问瑞银集团的网站,你会发现一个题为“你和我们”(You&Us)的吸引人的招聘行动,网页上有一对迷人的年轻男女坐在一个露台上,远处是连绵起伏的雪山。

    A visit to the UBS website unearths the toe-curling You & Us campaign , which shows a glamorous young man and woman on a deck with snowy mountain beyond .

  14. 所以脸书集团开始通过网站用户个人信息和喜好帮助广告商们进行定位。

    So Facebook helps advertisers target its members via their personal information and preferences .

  15. 目前,集团正从网站的横幅广告和电影预告片中获得广告收入。

    Already , it earns advertising revenue from banner ads and trailers on its website .

  16. 核子供应国集团的官方网站,里头提供了他们的出口纲要的所有文件。

    The official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group provides the full text of their export guidelines .

  17. 他的中英文双语的欢迎辞还出现在五湖集团的中文网站上。

    A welcome message from bell , subtitled in Chinese , appears on five lakes ' Chinese website .

  18. 据北京华文东方集团的官方网站称,该楼是华文东方在中国连锁酒店的旗舰店。

    According to its Web site , the Mandarin Oriental-Beijing is the flagship property in China for the Mandarin Oriental hotel chain .

  19. 想法儿利用可靠的网址,诸如学术机构和政府网站、或者非政府组织和其它利益集团的官方网站。

    Try to use reliable websites & for example academic or government sites , or official sites of nongovernmental organisations and other interest groups .

  20. 保圣那集团期望该网站每月能有1000万的浏览量,通过这些网红的宣传,未来3年盈利能达到每年2亿日元。

    Pasona expects the website to receive 10 million monthly views and earn 200 million yen ( $ 1.67 million ) annually in three years , mainly through advertisements .

  21. 大齿集团Internet接入和网站建设的实践

    Practice on Internet Inletting and Network Station Building in Dachi Group

  22. OSI集团在其中文网站上说,管理层对这份新闻报道感到震惊。

    OSI said on its Chinese website that management was appalled by the report .

  23. 最具创新的网络奢侈品公司是一些刚刚起步的,比如Net-a-Porter,Yoox(去年年底上市)或者是Gilt集团,它的网站仅为会员提供商品。

    The most innovative online luxury firms are typically small start-ups , such as Net-a-Porter , Yoox ( which went public late last year ) or Gilt Groupe , a website which runs exclusive sales for members .

  24. 08年2月JG集团安全处在内部网站设立了安全环保专用网页宣传安全知识,并聘请了市安监局专家对全公司进行了分层次的安全培训,提高了全体员工的安全意识以及操作规范。

    February 08 , JG security department set up a dedicated website in the internal web site for promoting safety knowledge , and hired experts to make security training in the company at all levels , to improve the safety awareness of all staff .

  25. 欢迎您访问“韩钢集团有限公司”网站!

    Welcome you to visit " Han the steel group Limited company " the website !

  26. 仅仅两天之前,一家中国政府监管机构还在批评电商巨头阿里巴巴集团未能遏制其网站的售假行为。

    It was only two days ago that a Chinese government regulator chastised the Alibaba Group , the e-commerce giant , for failing to curb the sale of fake goods on its sites .

  27. 这周,电商巨头阿里巴巴集团向在门户网站中购买家电的顾客提供免费配送服务,地区遍及了全国50万个农村地区。

    Throughout this week , e-commerce giant Alibaba Group is offering to deliver all home appliances bought through its popular shopping portals at no extra charge to customers in about 500000 villages nationwide .

  28. 最后,在江苏长江电气集团的电子商务网站系统上,利用已分析的算法设计并实现了一个智能决策支持系统。

    In the end , on the e-business web site system of Jiangsu Changjiang electronic Group Corp , we design and implement an Intelligent DSS ( IDSS ) with the help of the above algorithms .