
  • 网络Stable water quality;Water Stabilization
  1. 工业循环冷却水水质稳定新技术开发与应用

    Exploitation and use of new technique to water stabilization for industrial circulating water

  2. 系统地阐述了近年来工业循环冷却水水质稳定领域高效低毒阻垢剂、缓蚀剂和杀菌剂及其复合配方等新技术的应用开发情况,并分析了今后的主要发展方向和趋势。

    This article expounds the using and exploitation of new technique on the efficient scale inhibitor , corrosion inhibitor , disinfectant and compound prescription in industrial recirculating water stabilization , It points up main developing direction and tendency in the future .

  3. 水质稳定处理中pHs值计算公式的讨论

    Discussion on Formulas for Calculation of pH _s in Water Quality Stabilization Treatment

  4. H型钢净环水系统水质稳定方案的实施与探讨

    Implementation and Discussion of Stable Water Quality Plan for Clean Circulation Water System of the H-Steel

  5. 接踵实施B,C类项目,可保证其水质稳定达标,并使支流水质得到明显改善。

    Then the further implementation of types B and C projects may guarantee the stable high water quality standard and the conspicuous improvement of the water quality in the branch streams .

  6. 结合价值工程原理,将系统工程中的层次分析法(AHP)引入到水处理领域,建立了水质稳定药剂配方的性价比模型。

    A unique cost effectiveness model was developed employing the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) combined with the principle of value engineering .

  7. 转炉OG浊环水系统水质稳定的研究

    A Study on the Stability of Water Quality in Converter OG System

  8. 因为生物池曝气系统具有大滞后、非线性、随机性和多变量的特点,国内大部分污水处理厂采用的手动或简单PID控制方式难以保证出水水质稳定,且过量的曝气造成能源的浪费。

    Manual or simple PID control is difficult to ensure stable outlet water quality and causes energy waste because of large lag , non-linearity , randomness and multi-variable of the aeration system .

  9. 介绍了马钢股份公司H型钢厂净环水系统水处理水质稳定配方筛选试验和配方现场成功应用。

    The prescription tests of stable water quality and the successful op - eration in situ for clean circulation water system of the H-Steel Works of Maan - shan Iron & Steel Co. are presented .

  10. 膜生物反应器(Membranebioreactor,MBR)是一种高效的水处理技术,具有污染物去除效率高,出水水质稳定,操作管理方便,占地面积少等优点。

    MBR ( membrane bioreactor ) is an efficient water treatment technology , with the advantages of highly remove efficiency , stable water quality , easily management and low area .

  11. 连续运行4d后,该工艺对COD、NH4+-N和SS的去除率即可达到80%、90%和85%以上,且出水水质稳定。

    In the seven days from start-up , the removal rate of COD , NH4 + - N and SS were above 80 % , 90 % and 85 % separately .

  12. 介绍冲天炉除尘洗涤循环水处理工艺过程,包括絮凝沉淀、SO2的吸收、循环水冷却、水质稳定、污泥脱水等过程。

    The article introduces the treatment process of circulating water dedusting from blast furnace , including flocculating precipitation , SO 2 absorbing , cooling circulating water , stability water quality , sludge desiccation etc.

  13. 80t电炉循环冷却水系统化学清洗及水质稳定处理

    The Chemical Cleaning and the Water Quality Stable Treatment for the Circulation Cooling Water System Used for 80t EAF

  14. 结果表明,气提式接触氧化工艺结构紧凑、占地面积少、处理成本低,对COD和NH3-N的平均去除率分别达到了80.1%和58%,出水水质稳定而优良,可用作城市杂用水。

    The results show that this process has some advantages of compact layout , small occupancy area and low treatment cost . 80.1 % of COD and 58 % of NH3-N can be removed .

  15. 针对美国公共卫生协会等编制的《StandardMethodsforExaminationofWaterandWastewater》第19版中有关水质稳定中pHS的计算进行了探讨。

    A discussion was made on the calculation of pHs concerning water quality stabilization in the 19th edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater prepared by American Association of Public Health .

  16. DS-86水质稳定技术及在热电厂的应用

    Stable technology of DS-86 water quality and application in heat and power plant

  17. AAA法(交替厌氧、好氧活性污泥法)处理生活污水,具有节能、省地、出水水质稳定和控制管理方便等特点,适用于小型污水处理站。

    Alternate aerobic-anaerobic activated sludge method ( AAA ), by its advantages of power and space saving , easy to control and management and best treatment with stable quality of effluent has been approved quite suitable for small wastewater treatment plants .

  18. 结论在我国北方寒冷地区采用DAT-IAT工艺处理城市生活污水和工业废水的混合污水是可行的,该工艺流程简单,抗冲击能力强,出水水质稳定。

    Hence , it is feasible to use DAT-IAT craft in northern area in treating urban mixed living and industrial sewage . DAT-IAT craft is of simple flow , strong capability of resisting impact , and stable outlet quality .

  19. 该工艺对含悬浮物矿井水处理,系统出水水质稳定,所测项目达到国家生活饮用水水质标准(GB5749-85)。

    The system effluent quality is stable and the tested items of the effluent met the national drinking water criterion ( GB5749-85 ) when the C-MFMS combined process dealt with the coal mining water .

  20. 浅谈循环冷却水系统的化学法水质稳定处理

    Chemical Way of Water Quality Stabilization for Circulating Cooling Water System

  21. 转炉除尘废水回用过程中的水质稳定研究

    Study of water stability in the recycling process of dust-removing wastewater

  22. 转炉烟气洗涤水水质稳定方法的改进

    Improvement of Methods for Stabilizing Washing Water Quality of Converter Fume

  23. 攀钢炼钢厂提钒转炉浊环水水质稳定研究

    The research on stabilizing the muddy recycled water quality of BOF

  24. 冷态运行中的循环水水质稳定处理

    Water Quality Stabilization Treatment of Recirculating Water in Cold State Operation

  25. 水质稳定技术在焦化循环水中的应用

    Application of Water Quality Stabilizing Technique in Coking Cycling Water

  26. 循环冷却水水质稳定技术研究

    Study on recycle cooling water qulity of water stable technology

  27. 生态喷泉运用于景观水体水质稳定的可行性分析

    Study on Feasibility of Applying Ecological Fountain in Stabilizing Landscape water quality

  28. 空压机冷却循环水水质稳定处理

    Treatment of Water Quality stabilization of Cooling Circulation Water for an Air Compressor

  29. 邢钢炼钢厂水质稳定的技术经济分析

    Analysis of Technique and Economics of Water Quality Stabilization

  30. 两类循环冷却水水质稳定处理

    The Stability Treatment of the Quality in Two Sorts of Circulation Cooling Water