
shuǐ ní ɡuǎn
  • cement pipe
  1. 干打8孔水泥管块工艺

    Technique of Dry Moulding Eight - hole Cement Pipe Block

  2. 水泥管在输水加压后产生爆裂,水泥管缠绕钢丝产生脆断。

    Wire wrapped on cement pipe occurs brittle fracture in crack of cement pipe supplying water under pressure .

  3. 2井深在80m以上的钢管井壁结构工程水氟合格率明显高于水泥管井壁结构工程水氟合格率,差异有非常显著意义。

    The qualified rate of wells with steel wall is significantly higher than that with cement wall at well depth above 80 m.

  4. 提高水泥管磨机粉磨效率的技术措施

    Technical Measures to Raise the Powder Reduction Efficiency of the Cement Mill

  5. 前面有一台吊车正在吊着一只大水泥管。

    There is a crane ahead that is hanging a large concrete pipe .

  6. 大型水泥管磨机内部结构探讨

    Research on Inner Structure of Large-sized Tube Mill

  7. φ1.8×7米白水泥管磨机卵石球级配的选择

    The Determination of Grading of Pebble for φ 1.8 × 7m White Cement Mill

  8. 开流水泥管磨机细磨仓衬板活化机理探讨

    Exploration and discussion of the activity mechanism of fine bin 's lining board of an open-circuit cement tube mill

  9. 分析结果表明,金属管、水泥管等传统埋地管材将被淘汰,取而代之的是大口径塑料埋地管,聚乙烯双壁波纹管将会获得大发展。

    It was considered that the metal and cement pipes would be replaced by the large sized plastics pipe , and the polyethylene double walled bellows would develop greatly .

  10. 用Eular方程分析注水泥U型管效应

    Analysis of U-tubing Effect on Cementing

  11. 水泥制管腐蚀机理的扫描电镜研究

    Study on the Corrosion Mechanism of Cement Pipe by SEM

  12. 一种新型注水泥工艺管柱在套保油田的应用

    Application of a new cementing pipe string in Taobao Oilfield

  13. GB/T3041-1982石棉水泥井管

    Asbestos-cement pipe for well casing

  14. 在简介磨球、衬板磨损和失效的基础上,评述了国内外水泥工业管磨机所用磨球、衬板的常用材质。

    Some general materials for the grinding balls and lining boards in ball mills of cement industry were reviewed .

  15. 分析、研究了某水泥厂管磨机的磨头与齿圈联接螺栓的断裂情况。

    This article analyses and studies a cement plant on fracture behavior of coupling bolts joining the feed rind of tube mill to the gear .

  16. 本文论述了用玻璃纤维增强水泥薄壁管排列在楼板模板上,再浇注混凝土形成现浇混凝土空心楼盖板的施工方法和质量控制要点。

    The papper introduces the techniques and quality control in the construction of concrete hollow floor by casting concrete to the arrayed BDF on the floor formwork .

  17. 为了保护自己,马奎斯在黎明前就醒来,徒步一直走到半下午,然后寻找一个夜里的藏身之地,如果可能,就藏在水泥排污管里。

    To protect herself , she began waking before dawn , walking until midafternoon , then looking for a place to hide for the night & if possible , in a cement sewage pipe .

  18. 泵送水泥砼堵管爆管原因分析与防治

    Reasons and prevention of concrete pipeline plugging and breaking

  19. 水泥浆充填管外封隔器技术及其应用

    Packing External Casing Packer With Cement Slurry

  20. 基于水泥环和管壁剪切强度的黏砂套管固结强度计算模型

    Adhesion sand casing concretion intensity calculating model based on cement ring and tube wall cut intensity

  21. GB/T3040-1982石棉水泥输煤气管

    Asbestos-cement pressure pipe for gas transmission

  22. 以石棉水泥砂浆离心管作为内模衬管,浇筑混凝土后构成现浇混凝土空心板。

    With asbestos cement mortar pipe being used as inner liner , concrete is cast to form hollow slab .

  23. 但是水泥搅拌锚管的施工工艺尚不成熟,工作机理研究至今尚是空白,设计主要依靠经验进行。

    However , cement mixing anchor pipe construction technology is not yet mature , the study on the working mechanism is still blank , designed to mainly depend on experience .

  24. 水泥搅拌锚管是一种新型的土钉及锚杆,近年来已经在杭州、绍兴等软土地区得到应用,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Cement mixing anchor pipe is a new type of soil nailings and soil anchors , in recent years in Hangzhou , Shaoxing and soft soil areas has been applied and good economic and social benefits .

  25. 粘土-水泥浆在圆管中的压降计算公式

    Pressure Drop Calculating Formula of Clay Cement Crouts in Circular Pipe

  26. 水玻璃水泥砂浆在排水管接口中的应用研究

    Study on application of water-glass cement mortar in drain-pipe joints

  27. 水泥基复合薄壁管在无梁楼盖中的应用

    Application of GRC Tube in Flat Plate Floor

  28. 一些乳酸杆菌的细胞壁中存在抗癌性的化合物。水泥基复合薄壁管在无梁楼盖中的应用

    Several lactobacilli have antitumor compounds in their cell walls . Application of GRC Tube in Flat Plate Floor

  29. 用该水泥制造的压力管,可以同时避免前期与后期两类爆管事故。

    In the meanwhile , accidents of eary and late tube explosion can be avoided when using this kind of cement to produce pressure tubes .

  30. 全自动螺旋水泥包装机水泥浆充填管外封隔器技术及其应用

    Automatic Screw Cement Packer Packing External Casing Packer With Cement Slurry