
  • 网络PURCHASE CONTRACT;Housing contract
  1. 在社区大门旁边的墙上贴着购房合同及相关条款。

    Posted on a wall at the entrance gate to the community is the housing contract , with its terms and conditions .

  2. 有关银行应当按照购房合同的约定,将购房存款单的款额转帐支付给商品住宅出售单位。

    The relevant bank shall pay by transfer account , in accordance with the stipulations of the house purchase contract , the money in the certificate of deposit for purchase of house to the seller of the commodity residential house .

  3. 您的购房合同上贴花了吗?

    Have you stick the stamp on the contract ?

  4. 税务局:购房合同签定后10日内。

    Tax official : within Lo days after you singed the contract of purchasing house .

  5. 税务局:作为购房合同的出具人,您须按合同成交额的0.05%交纳印花税。

    Taxofficial : as the exhibitor of the contract , you should pay the stamp tax at 0.05 % of the total amount of transaction .

  6. 自去年六月以来,签署购房合同的人数首次上升,年初时房市表现疲软,而现在房市则呈现持续复苏的态势。

    The number of signed contracts up the first time since last June as the housing market continues to pick up after fairly sluggish start to the year .

  7. 因为房屋质量问题是业主与开发商之间的购房合同关系,而物业治理费是业主与物业治理公司根据物业治理合同约定的,二者是两个不同的法律关系。

    Because building quality problem is the concern of the contract that buy a house between owner and development business , and property administration fee is owner and foundation of property management company property government contract agrees , both is two disparate legislation impacts .

  8. 虽然涉案房屋暂时不具备办理房权证的条件,但房屋买卖合同是有效的,购房人的合同权利存在,购房人有依据合同约定要求卖房人为其办理房屋产权证书的权利。

    Although the room without conditions for authorized , the contract of sale of house is valid , and the contract right exists , the buyer could request the certificate for the housing property according to contract .

  9. 美国房地产协会发言人WalterMaloney表示,目前仍有大量潜在购房者,但是最终真正购买还有一定困难。“我们知道许多人签了购房合同,购房合同出现了大量增长,但是并不是所有的合同最终都得到了履行。”Maloney说。

    an , Walter Maloney , says would-be home buyers exist , but that finalizing sales is proving difficult . " We know there has been a lot of contract activity , very strong increases in contracts . But what is happening is that not all of them are closing , " Maloney said .