
  1. 百仕通总裁托尼詹姆斯(tonyjames)表示,考虑到售价的降价幅度,这些贷款债权的购买者可能获得高达30%的收益。

    The buyers of the loans could make returns of up to 30 per cent , given the markdowns on the sale prices , said Tony James , President of Blackstone .

  2. 随着商业票据市场的萎缩,银行不得不将更多贷款债权留在手中。

    With that market shrinking , banks have to hold on to more of the loans they make .

  3. 交易结构和种类房地产抵押贷款债权证券化是结构性融资,构造具有破产隔离机制的交易结构是资产证券的核心和生命。

    The second chapter is " the structure and kind of exchange " . The securitization of mortgage-backed loans is structure financing .

  4. 在不动产抵押贷款债权证券化的评价过程中,提前清偿率是影响评价的重要因素之一。

    In the valuation of mortgage backed securities , the prepayment is one of the important factors affecting the price of mortgage backed securities .

  5. 本文分四章进行了论述。一、房地产抵押贷款债权证券化的含义和特征:资产证券化概念包含三层含义:资产是指那些缺乏流动性,但具有可预见未来现金收入的金融资产;

    In the concept of asset securitization , " asset " is referred to those financial assets which lack liquidity but have expectable cash revenues ;

  6. 分析了住房抵押贷款债权债务关系变动引起的抵押关系变动和抵押权的行使问题。

    Then the changes of mortgage relations and the problems on exercising hypothec arising from the changes of the housing mortgage loan obligation relations are analyzed .

  7. 政府信用创新&基于国债转贷政策的分析商业银行向社会投资者转让贷款债权问题初探

    The Innovation of the Government Credit : An analysis in the Central Government Lending Policy of Treasury Bond Fund ; How does Commercial Banks Transfer Loans Asset to Social Investors

  8. 抵押贷款债权事务性服务权利银行所承担的收回付款的义务和将这些贷款出售给投资者时一并转手的义务即为一种会计规则上所称的无形资产。

    Mortgage servicing rights - the obligation that a bank takes on to collect payments and pass those along on the loans it sells to investors - are one of those assets that accountants call intangible .

  9. 然而在全国各地出现的众多虚假按揭案例,表明银行的贷款债权受到了极大地威胁,直接影响到整个社会经济的稳定和金融市场的稳定发展。

    However , many false mortgage cases have occurred . It means a great threat to bank loans , at the same time it is claimed a direct impact on the socio-economic stability and financial market stability and development .

  10. 如何化解和防范我国商业银行不良信贷资产、促使贷款债权实现,最终避免金融危机的发生,是学者和金融工作者一直在研究的问题,并发表了许多看法。

    The question of how to avoid and eliminate unhealthy credit funds in Chinese commercial bank in order to realize creditor 's right and to avoid financial crisis has long been attracting the interest of scholars and financial workers ' study .

  11. 金融资产管理公司不良贷款类债权定价研究

    Valuation of the Non-performing Loans Owned by Financial Asset Management Company

  12. 因此,要加强并购贷款银行债权在公司治理中的参与。

    Therefore , to strengthen the M & A lending bank debt participation in corporate governance .

  13. 期房按揭贷款银行债权的风险分析及其法律保障

    The Risk Analysis and Legal Protection of Bank 's Creditor 's Rights on Mortgage Loan with Personal Residence Being Built

  14. 现在银行又恢复了多年前的做法,将更多贷款的债权保留在自己手中。

    Now , banks are holding on to more of the loans they make , as they did years ago .

  15. 最后,就并购贷款银行债权在现阶段积极参与公司治理,在风险管理可行性规则安排方面,本文就专业团队陪养、贷款资金管理、贷后业务管理方面能归纳总结并提出建议。

    At last , at this stage of how to participate in M & A lending bank debt of corporate governance , this article from a professional team-building , loan management , post-loan paper discusses three aspects of business management , risk management of commercial banks to make recommendations .

  16. 第二种是非证券投资类的,包括非主营业务的对外投资形成的不良产权和对外贷款形成的不良债权;

    The second is rights and interests including bad property rights caused by investments of main business and creditor 's rights caused by loan providing .

  17. 截至9月底,花旗拟出售但尚未出售的贷款和租赁物债权增加到约420亿美元,较6个月前增长了一倍多。

    The bank 's portfolio of loans and leases it would like to sell , but has yet to do so , more than doubled over the same six-month period to about $ 42 billion at the end of September .

  18. 按照中国银监会颁布的贷款风险五级分类标准,是属于次级、可疑和损失类的贷款债权。

    According to China Banking Regulatory Commission issued five loan risk classification standards are substandard , doubtful and loss categories loan debt .