
dài fāng
  • lender;credit;creditor;credit side
贷方 [dài fāng]
  • [credit;credit side] 一个账户的右方,即付方,与借方相对

贷方[dài fāng]
  1. 劳务收入记人贷方,所有劳务支出记入借方。

    Receipts of services are entered in the credit side while payments the debit side .

  2. 分类账在借方列出300英镑,在贷方列出50英镑。

    The ledger shows $ 300 on the debit side and $ 50 on the credit side .

  3. 金融机构充当贷方和借方的中间人。

    Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers .

  4. 这个账户的贷方余额没有利息。

    The account does not pay interest on a credit balance .

  5. 普华永道会计师事务所已经查明损失源于贷方对按揭财产估值过高。

    Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders ' inflated assessments of mortgaged property .

  6. 利息按照贷方余额支付。

    Interest is payable on credit balances .

  7. 贷款的风险越高,贷方索要的利率就越高。

    The higher the risk of lending money , the higher is the interest rate demanded by the lenders

  8. 这笔账应记入贷方还是借方?

    Does this item go among the credits or the debits ?

  9. 既然你退了货,我就把货款给你记到贷方账上。

    Since you returned the goods , I 'll credit you with the price .

  10. 银行已把支票上的钱数记入你的贷方。

    The bank has credited you 〔 your 〕 account with the amount of the cheque .

  11. 一德国贷方受制屈服于非正当(投资)动机。谁将步其后尘?

    A German lender succumbs to perverse incentives . Who 's next ?

  12. description简单总结任务的目的以及如何进行处理&例如,批准或拒绝记入贷方的请求。

    The description briefly summarizes what the task is for and what to do with it & for example , approve or reject a request for credit .

  13. 换句话说,尽管投资方很希望获得初始投资成本的(1+r)n,贷方通常将利率作为附加的百分比(+r部分)。

    In other words , lenders usually quote interest rates as the additional percent ( the + r part ) even though investors certainly hope to get back ( 1 + r ) n of their initial investment .

  14. 在与债券持有人融资失败之后,美国金融出贷方CIT集团申请破产保护。

    The US lender , CIT Group , has filed for bankruptcy protection , after a debt-exchange offer to bondholders failed .

  15. 穆迪投资服务公司的史蒂夫·赫斯(SteveHess)表示,如果贷方真的担心(美国违约),他们就会提高投资政府债券的利率。

    Steve Hess at Moody 's Investor Service says if lenders were really worried , they would raise the interest rates they charge on loans to the government .

  16. GlenMorris是一个贷款经纪人,他告诉我他每天都受到贷方的邮件,要求提高利率或者收回贷款项目。在经历了几年的贷款充足之后,他们突然开始挑剔。现在那些低利率的贷款已经很难找到。

    Glen Morris is a mortgage broker , he tells me he 's getting daily e-mails from lenders , hiking rates and withdrawing products.After years of plenty , they 've suddently become picky .

  17. 其结果是,盈余国家央行在欧洲央行(ecb)的资产负债表上积累起巨额贷方头寸,赤字国家央行则积累起与之相当的负债(见图表)。

    Central banks of the surplus countries are , as a result , accumulating large credit positions vis a vis the European Central Bank , while those of the deficit countries are accumulating counterpart liabilities ( see chart ) .

  18. 伦敦最为成功的对冲基金之一昨日爆出问题,PelotonPartners将其旗舰基金20亿美元的资产进行标售,并冻结了其剩余的资金。此前抵押贷款相关投资使得该基金无力满足贷方的需求。

    One of London 's most successful hedge funds imploded yesterday when Peloton Partners put the assets of its $ 2bn flagship fund up for sale and froze its remaining fund after geared mortgage bets left it unable to meet lenders ' demands .

  19. EB-5方案是从1990年开始的,当时美国正处于经济衰退之初,从传统贷方处获取贷款变得困难,美国公司开始积极使用这一方案为项目筹款。

    While the EB-5 program has been around since 1990 , it was only in the wake of the recession , when securing loans from traditional lenders became difficult , that companies began using it in earnest to raise money for projects .

  20. 银行今天已把100美元记入我的账户的贷方。

    The bank has today credited $ 100 to my account .

  21. 贷方在这页的右方。

    The credit be on the right side of the page .

  22. 因为他很怀疑你在贷方项目搞鬼。

    He suspects you dropped the ball on the lender project .

  23. 借方余额的总数应等于贷方余额的总数。

    The total of debit balances and credit balances should agree .

  24. 把30元记入客户贷方。

    Credit a customer with 30 yuan The account is credited monthly .

  25. 在危机的这个时期,贷方全无头绪。

    In this phase of the crisis , lenders are flying blind .

  26. 它仅仅是一座架在借方和贷方之间的桥梁。

    It merely stands between the depositor and the borrower .

  27. 如果你不能确定谁是贷方。

    If you can 't determine who the lender is .

  28. 这笔帐属於借方还是属於贷方?

    Is this item a debit or a credit ?

  29. 很容易判别借方与贷方是否相等。

    It is fairly easy to tell if debits don 't equal credits .

  30. 贷方是在帐目的右栏里。

    The credit side is the right - hand column in the account .