
mài piàn
  • cereal;oatmeal
麦片 [mài piàn]
  • [oatmeal;porridge] 用燕麦或大麦粒压成的小片状食品

  1. 假如你不好好搅动,这麦片粥就会结块。

    This oatmeal will lump if you don 't stir it well .

  2. 如果你不好好搅动,麦片粥会结块的

    This oatmeal lumps if you don 't stir it well .

  3. 我狼吞虎咽地喝了一大碗麦片粥。

    I munched my way through a huge bowl of cereal .

  4. 我每天早上喝一碗麦片。

    I have a bowl of cereal every morning .

  5. 早餐是麦片粥配佐餐黄油。

    Breakfast consisted of porridge served with butter .

  6. 早餐我喝用水煮的麦片粥,还往里加葡萄干。

    For breakfast I have porridge made with water , to which I add raisins .

  7. 他们吃了一大碗麦片粥。

    They ate a large bowlful of cereal

  8. 我每天早餐吃热麦片粥。

    I have hot cereal every day for breakfast .

  9. 她正在给小孩子喂麦片粥。

    She was feeding the baby with porridge .

  10. 说实在的,不管你是喜欢美味糖果味、复活节糖果味、还是早餐麦片口味的咖啡,都能买得到。

    Seriously , whether you want your coffee to taste like a delicious candy bar , Easter candy , or breakfast cereal , you are covered my friend .

  11. 研究人员称,多食水果蔬菜、坚果和籽类,以及全谷物早餐麦片、面包和意大利面食可降低体重、血压和胆固醇水平。

    The researchers say eating more fruit and vegetables , nuts and seeds and wholegrains in breakfast cereals , breads and pasta is linked to lower weight , blood pressure and cholesterol levels .

  12. 因为在凌晨享受一顿丰盛的正餐有点太晚,所以一般会吃点宵夜,通常来说,吃的都是早餐常吃的东西,比如鸡蛋,薄饼,华夫饼还有麦片之类的。

    Since it 's too late to enjoy a full meal before bed , night munchies are served . This usually consists of foods traditionally eaten at breakfast such as eggs , pancakes , waffles and cereal .

  13. 所以不能买FruitLoops,Cheerios,或者FrostedFlakes(三种名牌麦片)

    So instead of Fruit Loops , Cheerios , or Frosted Flakes ,

  14. GS的低粘度表明在做麦片粥类食品时需要更多的粉。

    Low viscosity in GS implies that more flour could be used when preparing foods such us porridge .

  15. 嘿,爸爸,下次再去超市我们能买FrostedFlakes麦片吗?

    Hey , Dad , can we get Frosted Flakes next time we go to the store ?

  16. 基于此,凯乐格在其在美国出售的CrunchyNut麦片的包装盒上加上了二维码,或称QR码(QR即快速反应“QuickResponse”之意)。

    The cornflake-maker put 2D codes , better known as QR ( for quick response ) codes , on its Crunchy Nut boxes in America .

  17. n.粥他的祖父现年九十六,每餐她必须为他煮麦片粥。

    gruel Her grandfather is 90 years old , and every mealtime she has to prepare gruel for him by boiling oatmeal in water .

  18. (Smarties是一种巧克力)没想到Smarties公司居然还生产麦片。

    I didn 't even know Smarties made a cereal .

  19. 无异于往传统街头小吃伤口上撒盐的是,上海最大的国营食品集团光明食品(BrightFood)最近收购了英国代表性早餐食品品牌维他麦(Weetabix),而且该集团正努力将西方的牛奶麦片文化引入中国。

    To add insult to injury Shanghai 's largest state-owned food group , Bright Food , recently bought the British breakfast icon Weetabix , and is working hard to introduce western shredded wheat and milk culture to China .

  20. 一处热闹的厨房区,放置着摆满麦片盒的架子,以及塞满软饮的巨大冰箱,里面有许多瓶德国咖啡因饮料ClubMate,这已成了这家柏林游戏开发商的首选饮品。

    A bustling kitchen area has shelves stacked with cereal boxes and giant fridges packed with soft drinks , including plenty of bottles of the German caffeinated drink Club Mate , which has become the Berlin developer 's beverage of choice .

  21. 然后,在2000年,在桂格公司(quakeroats)与可口可乐拟议的合并破裂后,百事收购了这家麦片及佳得乐(gatorade)运动饮料制造商。

    Then , in 2000 , the group bought Quaker Oats , maker of cereal and Gatorade sports drinks , after its proposed merger with coke collapsed .

  22. 我丈夫读了之后,他说读起来就跟Wheaties牌麦片一样。

    My husband read it and he was like , this is like eating your Wheaties .

  23. 根据2009年10月发表的分子营养与食物研究的研究表明:有β-葡聚糖混合的麦片能够降低由于cholecystokinin类荷尔蒙增加引发的饥饿感。

    According to a research study published in the October 2009 issue of Molecular Nutrition Food Research a compound in oatmeal known as β - glucan reduces appetite by increasing the hunger-fighting hormone cholecystokinin .

  24. 还记得前几个月的猫头鹰主题鸡尾酒吧、DIY麦片粥咖啡屋和迷你猪野餐吗?这种稀奇古怪的主题餐饮似乎仍旧是潮流。

    In the last few months we 've seen owl cocktail bars , porridge cafes and even a micropig picnic , and the trend of bizarre pop-ups doesn 't seem to be stopping anytime soon .

  25. 当Nooyi女士担当百事首席战略官一职时,她甚至在掌管公司之前就已开始实施健康食品生产公司的计划,这通过精心安排收购Tropicana和QuakerOats公司,这是两家生产早餐麦片的公司。

    In herformer role as Pepsi 's chief strategist , Ms Nooyi set the company on ahealthier course even before becoming its boss , by engineering the takeovers ofTropicana and Quaker Oats , which makes breakfast cereals .

  26. 我最近参加的一场活动的发言人提出质疑,为什么美国的食品企业将丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)-一种会干扰内分泌的食品添加剂-加入在美国本土销售的麦片里面,与此同时这一公司在欧洲销售的同种产品中没有添加BHT。

    A speaker at an event I recently attended asked why U.S. food companies put butylated hydroxyltoluene , a food preservative and endocrine disruptor , in cereal sold stateside , while in Europe the same companies formulate the same product without BHT .

  27. 我会吃披萨,汉堡,Twinkies,甜麦片,甜点心,甜甜圈,等等啦,你可以想象的。

    I would eat pizza and burgers and Twinkies and sugar cereal and desserts and donuts and ... well , you get the picture .

  28. 原因是制造商冻麦片及EggoWaffles的销售量不及预期,不过凯洛洛表示裁员将于2017年进行。

    Cut is part of efforts by the maker of Frosted Flakes and Eggo Waffles who did a weaker than expected sales numbers but Kellogg says reductions will take place by 2017 .

  29. 科学家发现每天食用每盎司(28g)全谷物相当于一小碗麦片粥将死亡风险降低了5%,心脏疾病造成的死亡风险降低了9%。

    But scientists found that for each ounce ( 28g ) of whole grains eaten a day – the equivalent of a small bowl of porridge – the risk of all death was reduced by five per cent and heart deaths by 9 per cent .

  30. 纸板(饮料盒,饼干盒,麦片盒都可以)

    Paperboard ( soda box , cracker box , cereal box )