
  • 网络meinl;Mayr;mayer;MAIR
  1. 麦尔声称他的银行在代表MEL的工作中按照市场的利率,表现诚实,并没有打算影响MEL的管理层。

    Mr Meinl argues that his bank performed honest work on MEL 's behalf , at market rates , and made no attempt to influence MEL 's management .

  2. 麦尔和他的银行努力维护他们的名声。

    Mr Meinl and his bank are fighting to defend their reputation .

  3. 为得到我想要的东西,我一点都不忌讳把自己降格到跟莱麦尔一样。

    I 've got no qualms about lowering myself to Lemmer 's level to get what I want .

  4. 1987年,韦斯麦尔报考了慕尼黑工业大学(TechnicalUniversityofMunich)的计算机专业。在这家德国领先的教育机构里,他只上了20天的课就退学了。

    In 1987 Mr Vilsmeier enrolled in a computing course at the Technical University of Munich , one of Germany 's leading educational institutes , only to quit after 20 days .

  5. 自从1939年前苏联育种家O.Φ格勒麦尔首次报道有关糖甜菜雄性不育和美国科学家F。

    Since Russian breeder Ο·Φ· reported male sterility of sugarbeet in 1939 for the first time , and American scientist F.

  6. 我每年都会带着孩子们参观波士顿红袜队(RedSox)的春季训练营,这个周末,我又带着两个儿子去了佛罗里达州的麦尔斯堡。

    I spent this weekend with my two sons in Ft. Myers , Florida as part of our annual pilgrimage to the Red Sox spring training camp .

  7. 身为法学教授的丈夫麦尔(Mel)夜里去学校教课,早上给一家人做早餐。

    Her husband , Mel , a law professor who taught at night , made the family breakfast at home .

  8. 伍尔夫(VirginiaWoolf)为寻求灵感而行走,她从家乡南唐斯的罗德麦尔出发,在伦敦的公园里漫步。

    Virginia Woolf walked for inspiration . She walked out from her homeat Rodmell in the South Downs . She wandered through London 's parks .

  9. 本文利用文献[3]提出了T形截面连续梁桥翼缘有效宽度的计算公式,并对F·史来麦尔所编《手册》中的有效宽度比的表格进行了补充。

    Using the refererence [ 3 ] , this paper proposed the formulae for calculation of the effective width of flanges in continuous tee-beam , and supplemented the data of effective width ratios to the table in the Handbook , edited by F.

  10. 今年夏天,韦麦尔太太和她丈夫盖瑞要给刚在密苏里州DesPeres买的房子装修,于是租了一个小房子过渡一下。

    Ms. Wehmeier and her husband , Gaiy , are renting a modest apartment tiiis summer while they fix up a house they just bought in Des Peres .

  11. 是的,先生。正是这样。麦尔斯平静地承认了。

    Yes , sir , I am , admitted Miles calmly .

  12. 尔尼:我们没去是因为麦尔斯摔断了胳臂。

    Ernie : We haven 't gone because Miles broke his arm .

  13. 关于麦尔克姆成长所在的城市,我们了解多少?

    What do we know about the city where Malcolm grew up ?

  14. 麦尔布礼看来对这个解释并不很明白。

    Melbury did not seem to be particularly enlightened by this explanation .

  15. 韦斯麦尔的回答略带迟疑,这表明公司正处于一个十字路口。

    Mr Vilsmeier 's hesitant response suggests the company lies at a crossroads .

  16. 夏浦先生是一等老师,比麦尔先生高一级。

    Mr. Sharp was the first master , and superior to Mr. Mell .

  17. 麦尔家族在英国的发迹则是一个历史的巧合。

    The Britishness is an accident of history .

  18. 我奶奶住在麦尔斯堡

    Jenny : Well , I have a grandma who lives in fort Myers .

  19. 帕麦尔的尊严不容许她与社会地位与她低的人争吵。

    Palmer 's dignity did not allow her to bandy words with her social inferiors .

  20. 麦尔看一份简历的时间一般不超过30秒。

    When it comes to reviewing resumes , 30 seconds is enough for Mr. Maier .

  21. 他的夫人的名字是希尔维亚,夫妇俩在加利福尼亚州的卡麦尔河谷一带拥有一座农场。

    He and his wife Sylvia own a family farm in Carmel Valley , California .

  22. 1992年,在底特律的“麦尔肯小学”,一年级的小孩子们穿戴整齐迎接遗产日。

    First-graders dress up for Heritage Day at Detroit 's Malcolm X Academy in 1992 .

  23. 我在麦尔切斯特附近一个小教堂的唱诗班里头。

    " I have been singing in the choir of a little church near Melchester ," he said .

  24. 斯塔德麦尔依然没有上场,因为他在季后赛后做了右膝手术,现在还在恢复阶段。

    Phoenix was again without Amare Stoudemire , who is recovering from offseason arthroscopic surgery on his right knee .

  25. 他的两个儿子阿拉和加麦尔被关在开罗郊区的一所监狱里。

    His two sons , Alaa and Gamal , were taken to a prison on the outskirts of Cairo .

  26. 他在麦尔布礼家周围的树林里漫步,象个逃犯一样,尽量不让别人看见。

    He walked about the woods that surrounded Melbury 's house , keeping out of sight like a criminal .

  27. 他有时候也到麦尔切斯特来,大教堂风琴师位子有一回出了缺,他很想谋到手。

    He comes to Melchester sometimes , and once tried to get the cathedral organ when the post was vacant .

  28. 最终,阿尔萨斯找到了恐惧魔王麦尔甘尼斯,这场瘟疫的幕后主使。

    At last , Arthas met the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis , who is claiming to be the driving force behind the plague .

  29. 韦斯麦尔拒绝透露有关利润的细节,不过他声称,当前的赢利水平并不高。

    Mr Vilsmeier declines to give details on profits , although he says the current level of earnings is not high .

  30. 可渗透的下麦尔组下部中&粗粒砂岩,起着很好的容矿作用。

    The permeable medium coarse grain sandstones of the lower part of Lower Male Formation act as a good host of the ore.