
niǔ zhuǎn
  • torsion;reverse;twist;turn;pull;turn round;turn back;turn about
扭转 [niǔ zhuǎn]
  • (1) [turn round]∶掉转;转过

  • 猎人扭转身躯,敏捷地从老虎的爪下闪过

  • (2) [turn back;reverse]∶使事物的发展方向发生变化

扭转[niǔ zhuǎn]
  1. 处于困境的电信设备制造商阿尔卡特-朗讯(alcatel-lucent)昨日宣布,其董事长和首席执行官即将离职,该公司试图扭转自身的命运。

    Alcatel-Lucent , the beleaguered telecoms equipment maker , yesterday parted company with its chairman and chief executive as it tries to turn round its fortunes .

  2. 全球最大的个人电脑制造商联想(Lenovo)的董事长兼首席执行官乐观地认为,该集团能够借助《口袋妖怪Go》(PokémonGo)等热门游戏,“彻底扭转”其处于紧要关头的智能手机部门。

    Lenovo , the world 's largest manufacturer of personal computers , is optimistic that it can " completely turn round " its critical smartphone unit with help from Pok é mon Go and other popular games , according to the group 's chairman and chief executive .

  3. 政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势。

    The government has failed to reverse the economic decline .

  4. 这个公司不得不采取一些措施扭转下滑的运势。

    The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes .

  5. 比赛在第56分钟时发生了扭转。

    The game turned in the 56th minute .

  6. 他们谈到扭转历史潮流。

    They talked of reversing the tide of history

  7. 加雷思·爱德华兹于1971年法国队与威尔士队在巴黎的比赛中贡献的一记扭转赛事的触地得分

    the Gareth Edwards try which turned the game between France and Wales in Paris in 1971 .

  8. 这标志着在前一年基础上有了7%的增长,扭转了5年来持续下降的趋势。

    This marked a 7 % increase on the previous year and the reversal of a steady five-year downward trend .

  9. 他扭转身子,向车间走去。

    He turned round and headed for the workshop .

  10. 老船公扭转了我们航船的方向,我们才避免了一次撞击礁石的危险。

    The old helmsman brought us about and we avoided a dangerous dash against the rocks .

  11. 第一局她打得很糟,可是后来她扭转局势赢了这场比赛。

    She played badly in the first set , but then she turned the tables on her opponent and won the match .

  12. 去年,英国伦敦皇家学会在其报告中称,科学家们应该“扭转将数据视为私人专利的研究风气”。

    Last   year ,   the   Royal   Society   in   London   said   in its   report   that   scientists   need   to   " shift   away   from   a   research   culture   where   data   is   viewed   as   a private   preserve " .

  13. 由于当前世界食物短缺问题是由各种趋势造成的,那么导致该问题的环境趋势必须得到扭转。

    Since the current world food shortage is trend-driven , the environmental trends that cause it must be reversed .

  14. 溶剂中的咖啡因相当于两杯浓咖啡,足以扭转这一影响,有的自行车手眼动速度甚至加快了。

    The caffeine , the equivalent of two strong cups of coffee , was sufficient to reverse this effect , with some cyclists even displaying increased eye movement speeds .

  15. 纳多说:“毫无疑问,人们可以通过食物选择,在扭转糖尿病、扭转高血压,甚至预防癌症方面取得很大的进展。”

    " There 's no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes , reversing high blood pressure , even preventing cancer by food choices , " Nadeau says .

  16. 但世界自然基金会英国分会的迈克·巴雷特博士说,新的模型证据显示,如果紧急采取行动,就可以扭转这种趋势。

    But Dr Mike Barrett of WWF-UK says new modelling evidence suggests the tide can be turned if action is taken urgently .

  17. “第十一个小时”用来形容某件事的最后一刻,不过扭转局势依然是有可能的。

    The eleventh hour is used to describe the final moments of a given event , or situation where change is still a possibility .

  18. 基于Web多分支扭转振动系统动力学性能的研究与开发

    Research of Dynamics Performance of Multi-Branch Torsional System and Development of Its Analysis Software Based on Web

  19. 含n个圆孔的圆柱体的扭转

    Torsion of Circular Cylinders Containing n Circular Holes

  20. 妇科急腹症中扭转现象的CT和MRI表现及综述

    CT and MRI Features in Gynecological Acute Abdomen-Torsion

  21. 结果C组大鼠肝功能逐渐好转,腹水消失,生长激素抵抗现象被扭转。

    Results In group C , the liver function were gradually improved , the ascites were disappeared , the manifestation of growth hormone counteraction was reversed .

  22. 扭转DBR光纤激光器的偏振特性研究

    Study on Polarization Properties of a Twisted DBR Fiber Laser

  23. 结论CDU诊断睾丸扭转正确率高。

    Conclusions The accurate rate of CDU in diagnosing testis torsion is high .

  24. 本文以Kirchhoff的薄板理论,解狭长矩形截面杆的约束扭转。

    Kirchhoff 's thin plate theory is used to solve the restricted torsion of narrow rectangular cross section .

  25. 2K-H行星传动的修正扭转模型建立与固有特性分析

    Modified torsional model development and natural characteristics analysis of 2K-H epicyclic gearing

  26. 按AO进行骨折分类,A类(压缩)16例,B类(分离)1例,C类(扭转)6例。

    Fracture types according to AO classification were type A ( compression ) in 16 cases , type B ( distraction ) in 1 case and type C ( retortion ) in 6 cases .

  27. 结果8例均行CDFI确诊,其中手术切除6例,1例为隐睾扭转,因睾丸生机恢复而行睾丸固定术。

    Results All of the 8 cases were assessed correctly by CDFI , among them , excision 6,1 undescended testis , undertook orchiopexy .

  28. 从界面能最小化考虑,Ag(001)Ni(111)扭转界面的择优扭转角也为0°(或30°)。

    From interface energy minimization , the preferable twist angle is 0 ° ( or 30 °) for Ag ( 001 ) / / Ni ( 111 ) twist boundary too .

  29. 平衡状态时立管中心线的孤长s取为自变量,而立管中心线的坐标X、Y和截面扭转角F以及管内拉力T则为孤长s的函数。

    The coordinates X and Y , twisting angle F , and the tension T are the four dependent variables , while the are length s in the equilibrium state is the independent variable .

  30. 含有多个裂纹的任意有限多连通域的Saint-Venant扭转问题

    On the Saint-Venant 's Torsional Problem for an Arbitrary Finite Multiply-Con-nected Region with Many Cracks