
  • 网络Paving stone;pitching
  1. 杂草从铺石路面的缝隙中长出来。

    Weeds grew through the cracks in the paving .

  2. 6-7d,细胞融合呈铺石状排列(见图2)。

    After 6-7 d , cell fusion was stone pavement-like arrangement ( see as Figure 2 ) . 2 .

  3. 您还能考虑使用木片或铺石渣作为地板甚至在底下倾吐一块混凝土板。

    You can also consider using wood chips or gravel as a floor or even pour a concrete slab underneath .

  4. 他带我到外院,见院的四围有铺石地。铺石地上有屋子三十间。

    Then brought he me into the outward court , and , lo , there were chambers , and a pavement made for the court round about : thirty chambers were upon the pavement .

  5. 亚哈斯王打掉盆座四面镶着的心子,把盆从座上挪下来,又将铜海从驮海的铜牛上搬下来,放在铺石地。

    And King Ahaz took off the sides of the wheeled bases , and took down the great water-vessel from off the brass oxen which were under it and put it on a floor of stone .

  6. 不过,这双套鞋的魔力使他回到300年前国王汉斯的朝代里去了,因此他的脚就踩着了街上的泥泞和水坑,因为在那个时代里,街道是没有铺石的。

    By the magic power of the shoes he was carried back to the times of King Hans ; on which account his foot very naturally sank in the mud and puddles of the street , there having been in those days no pavement in Copenhagen .

  7. 植物的种子落进了铺路石的缝隙中。

    The plants have seeded themselvesinto the cracks between the paving stones .

  8. 用于做铺路石的坚硬的砖。

    A hard brick used as a paving stone .

  9. 我们为伯恩选择小的,灰色的,带有滚动边缘的混凝土铺路石。

    For the Berners , we chose small grey concrete pavers with tumbled edges .

  10. 他把这些制服扔在挖去了铺路石的地上。

    And he flung on the ground , deprived of its pavement , the four uniforms .

  11. 每一个挑战都是我们到达未知的更加幸福彼岸的铺路石。

    Every challenge is a stepping stone to a happier place than you even knew existed .

  12. 为此又挖了几间屋子长的铺路石。

    For this purpose , they tore up the pavement for the length of several houses more .

  13. 用来铺块石面路或其他区域的黑色含沥青的材料;通常覆盖在压碎的石头上。

    A black bituminous material used for paving roads or other areas ; usually spread over crushed rock .

  14. 东亚区域金融深化是东亚由金融合作走向货币合作的铺路石。

    Regional financial deepening is a building block for East Asia to develop from financial cooperation to monetary cooperation .

  15. 换客们利用自己技能特长为他人提供方便,也为自己积累走向成功的铺路石。

    The Exchanging Fans help others with their knowledge and skills and , meanwhile , pave their own way to success .

  16. 有金银的床榻摆在红,白,黄,黑玉石铺的石地上。

    There were couches of gold and silver on a mosaic pavement of porphyry , marble , mother-of-pearl and other costly stones .

  17. 这些是人生道路上的歧途。斜铺的石道上满生了薄苔,我穿的皮鞋踏在上面,显出分明的印痕。

    Those are all sops along the way . My leather shoes left sharp prints on the moss-covered flagstones of the inclined path .

  18. 即便身处困境,也不该丧失信心,因为困境能够充当成功的铺路石。

    One should never lose his heart when he is in trouble , because adversity can always serve as a paving stone to success .

  19. 最为经济的方法就是混凝土铺路石:它们相对会不那么贵,而且因为人工形状都是一致的,所以也比较容易安装。

    The most economical finish is concrete pavers : They 're less expensive , and , because the man-made shapes are uniform , easier to install .

  20. 那片区域的铺路石.甚至是他落地的那几块

    Well , you know the paving slabs in that whole area , even the exact ones that he landed on , you know they were all ... -

  21. 但是它们丰富了软件过程模型,为以后软件开发的迅速发展起了铺路石的作用。

    But each of them enriches the software process model for software development , and is use for setting up the bases for the rapid development of software development .

  22. 抗议者们组成接力队,传递破成碎块的铺路石,由靠近对手的前排人向警方阵营投掷。

    Protesters ranging from elderly women to young men formed bucket brigades to pass broken paving stones to people nearer the police , who hurled them into their ranks .

  23. 彼拉多听见这话,就带耶稣出来,到了一个地方,名叫铺华石处,希伯来话叫厄巴大,就在那里坐堂。

    When Pilate therefore heard that saying , he brought Jesus forth , and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the pavement , but in the hebrew , gabbatha .

  24. 展览以《语录》的开端作为开始,甚至可以说更早——它们是若干早期选集,于1964年春出版,可以被视为《语录》的铺路石。

    The exhibition begins at the beginning , and even before , with several precursor anthologies that can be seen as steppingstones to the " Quotations , " first issued with a white paper cover in spring 1964 .

  25. 亚哈斯又砍掉盆座的边缘,把洗濯盆拿下来,又把铜海从驮着铜海的铜牛上取下来,放在铺了石的地上。

    And King Ahaz cut off the borders of the bases , and removed the laver from off them ; and took down the sea from off the brasen oxen that were under it , and put it upon the pavement of stones .

  26. 它不仅包含对国内具体海事诉讼管辖的分类与分配,在国际海事诉讼领域,管辖权冲突的协调与解决,对国际海商法的统一起着铺路石的作用。

    It includes not only the category and allocation of the jurisdiction of a specific civil maritime action , but also the coordination and resolution of the conflicts of jurisdiction in international maritime action . It underlies the unification of the international maritime laws .

  27. 中药标准化提取物是现代中药的一种产品形式,中药提取过程是中药现代化的重要技术环节,提取物在国际市场上的应用是中药国际化的先行者和铺路石。

    The standardized extracts of Chinese medicinal plants are one of the forms of modern Chinese medicines , the process of their extraction takes an important technical link , and the application of their extracts in world markets implies the pioneer and flagstone in the internationalization of Chinese medicines .

  28. 两边铺筑雨花石健康道,以精湛的陶瓷艺术、深厚的文化底蕴和美丽的园林景观构成了世界独特的风景线。

    Paving stone on both sides of the health , with exquisite ceramic art , the profound cultural and beautiful landscape of the world constitute a unique landscape .

  29. 那些头一种的巷路也应当在两端用篱墙围上,以避烈风,而这些第二种的狭巷则必须要永远铺以细石,而且不要长草,以免露湿了人底鞋袜。

    And those alleys must be likewise hedged at both ends , to keep out the wind ; and these closer alleys must be ever finely gravelled , and no grass , because of going wet .

  30. 常常在排水瓦管周围铺一层粗石砾。

    A layer of coarse gravel is often placed around the drain tile .