
xiànɡ yá diāo kè
  • ivory carving;ivory sculpture
  1. 独一无二,你见过用象牙雕刻的邮票吗?

    Unique , you have seen the ivory carving of the stamps ?

  2. 他今年二月份也宣布禁止象牙雕刻的进口。

    adding to the ban on ivory carving imports he announced in February .

  3. 这几件象牙雕刻做得真细!

    What exquisite [ delicate ] ivory carvings these are !

  4. 该百货大楼的售货员托尼·吕(TonyLui)周六下午表示,陈列的货品都是由可合法交易的猛犸象牙雕刻而成。

    Tony Lui , a salesman at the store , said Saturday afternoon that the items on display were carved from mammoth tusk , which can legally be sold .

  5. 球形花朵图案更是由整块象牙雕刻而成。

    Spherical flower design by the entire block is carved ivory .

  6. 这些象牙雕刻衬着黑丝绒会很好看。

    These ivory carvings will show off well against black velvet .

  7. 磋象雕牙&清代象牙雕刻品鉴

    Appreciation of Ivory Carving of Qing Dynasty

  8. 如今,利用放射性碳素测定年代法,科学家已确定这一用乳齿象牙雕刻而成的长矛尖端的精确年代。

    Scientists have now accurately carbon-dated the sharp tip that itself carved from mastodon bone .

  9. 这件用象牙雕刻出的妇女雕像来自尼日利亚贝南地区。

    This female figure , fashioned out of ivory , hails from the Benin kingdom of Nigeria .

  10. 这人像是用象牙雕刻成的。由像虫蠕动一样的雕刻组成的装饰。

    The figure seems to be made out of ivory . a decoration consisting of wormlike carvings .

  11. 贝宁象牙雕刻艺术

    Ivory Carvings in Benin

  12. 这些地区也是无管制的国内象牙雕刻品买卖市场的源头。

    These regions are also home to unregulated domestic ivory markets , where carved items are bought and sold .

  13. 象牙雕刻:将象牙制成装饰品或实用性器物,象牙的使用可追溯到史前时代。

    Ivory carving : Carving of ivory into decorative or utilitarian objects . It has flourished since prehistoric times .

  14. 最近的一个例子出现在德国的某次展览上,专门展出大量17世纪初的小件象牙雕刻。

    A recent example occurred at a German exhibition devoted to small , powerful , early 17th century ivory carvings .

  15. 国家批准的象牙雕刻师每年都会分到一定量的象牙,这些象牙是2008年中国从几个非洲国家手里合法买来的。

    State-sanctioned ivory engravers each year receive an allocation that China legally bought from a handful of African nations in 2008 .

  16. 汤姆:嗯,您讲过,“戴头巾的女人”这件作品是用象牙雕刻成的,这种材料应该是有机物。

    Tom : Well , you said the lady with the hood was carved out of ivory . That 's organic .

  17. 在日本,象牙雕刻的主要艺术用途是在于制作形似坠子的「根付」,这种物品为男性服饰中不可或缺的佩饰。

    The major artistic use of ivory in Japan was for netsukes , toggles used as fasteners on men 's clothing .

  18. 这儿有一座雕塑,名字叫“带头巾的女人”;它是用象牙雕刻成的,很可能是猛犸象的獠牙。

    This sculpture is called the Lady with the Hood , and it was carved from ivory , probably a mammoth 's tusk .

  19. 是的,我特别对贵方的工艺品如玉雕刻,象牙雕刻,木刻,竹刻感兴趣。

    Yes , I 'm especially interested in Chinese arts adn crafts , such as jade carvings , wood and bamboo cavings as well .

  20. 于是,他发射了名为“期望爆炸号”的超级有分量的大礼品,如珠宝、象牙雕刻、香水和微型玩偶。火鸡

    He launched his " Bangs of Expectation " with top-of-the range gifts such as jewellery , ivory carvings , perfume and miniature dolls .

  21. 上海制造的手工艺品以它优美的造型、精巧的技艺和地方风格而世界闻名,特别是玉雕、象牙雕刻和木雕。

    Handicrafts made in Shanghai are renowned over the world for their beautiful figuration , exquisite workmanship and local style , especially of the jade carving , ivory carving and wood carving .

  22. 它们包括玉雕和象牙雕刻、景泰蓝和漆器、中国书法和传统绘画、陶瓷、钟表、硬币和家具等等。

    They include jade and ivory carvings , cloisonn é and lacquer wares , Chinese calligraphy and traditional paintings , porcelain and pottery , watches and clocks , coins and furniture , and so on .

  23. 它们中主要的是陶瓷、花边、刺绣品、地毯、织锦、景泰蓝、玉雕、石雕、象牙雕刻和木雕、漆器、编织物、玩具等等。

    Chief among them are porcelain and pottery , laces , embroidery , carpets , brocade , cloisonn é, carvings of jade , stone , ivory and wood , lacquerware , braiding , toys , etc.

  24. 精致地;微妙地用象牙精工雕刻而成的塑像

    a figure delicately carved in ivory

  25. 片中的数据也令人震惊,世界上只剩下六只北方白犀牛(第七只上个月死了),有些文化认为它们的角具有药用价值;2013年,两万多只非洲大象被杀害,它们的象牙被雕刻成小饰品。

    So are the statistics , about the six northern white rhinos left in the world ( the seventh died last month ) , their horns believed by some cultures to contain medicinal properties , or the more than 20000 African elephants killed in 2013 for ivory to be carved into trinkets .

  26. 北京的一位雕刻家曾在直径仅为5毫米的象牙片上雕刻了著名书法家王羲之的书法。

    An carver in Beijing once made an exact copy of piece of writing by the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi ( 321-379 ) on a piece of ivory five millimetres in diameter .

  27. 方寸象牙上的精美雕刻品&论简·奥斯丁小说《爱玛》的人物刻画

    A Fine Engraving upon a Little Piece of Ivory & On Characterization in Emma by Jane Austen

  28. 一度繁荣的欧洲象牙市场转移到南亚,那里熟练的工匠用象牙雕刻一些雕像和其它艺品,经常进行非法交易。

    The once-thriving markets of Europe have shifted to South Asia , where skilled artisans , often trading illegally , carve ivory into figurines and other objects .