
  • 网络elephant shrew;Sengi
  1. 这种动物以前叫做象鼩鼱

    It used to be called an elephant shrew ,

  2. 但科学家在遥远的西非南部刚刚发现了象鼩的一个新品种圆耳象鼩。

    But scientists have only just discovered a new species of elephant shrew or round-eared sengi - in the remote deserts of south western Africa .

  3. 和所有的象鼩鼱一样,它因为活动量极大所以时时刻刻都觉得饿

    And , like all sengis , she 's so active , she 's permanently hungry .

  4. 象鼩生活在非洲。虽然体型微小,但和鼩类动物相比,它们与大象、海牛、土豚等大型动物的关系更密切。

    Elephant shrews are restricted to Africa and despite their small size , are more closely related to elephants , manatees ( known as sea cows ) and aardvarks than they are to true shrews .

  5. 据《哺乳动物学杂志》的研究报告称,这种小动物体型比其他象鼩要小,长着黄锈色的皮毛,尾巴下方有着大型无毛腺,缺乏深色皮肤色素。

    The diminutive animal is smaller than other sengi and has rust-coloured fur , a large , hairless gland on the underside of its tail and lacks dark skin pigment , according to the study published in the Journal of Mammalogy .