
  • 网络Elephant Fish
  1. 是阀的完善使研究水中呼吸器成为可能,并将人类送到海里,使其象鱼一样自由。

    It was a perfection of a valve that made the aqualung possible and put man back into the sea with all the freedom of a fish .

  2. 你平时下班几点到家?细长扁平有点象鳗的鱼。

    When do you normally get in from work ? elongate compressed somewhat eel-shaped fishes .

  3. 细长扁平有点象鳗的鱼。

    Elongate compressed somewhat eel-shaped fishes .

  4. 它用尖脚把他刺晕,令他疲软得象无骨鱼。

    She jabs him with her stinger , and he goes as limp as a boned fish .

  5. 但是当它们饿得慌,想吃东西的时候,身子两侧就会出现紫色条纹,象大马林鱼那样。

    But when he comes to feed , truly hungry , purple strips show on his sides as on a marlin .

  6. 大西洋和太平洋温暖水域中体型中等象金枪鱼的食用鱼;没有金枪鱼的价值高。

    Medium-sized tuna-like food fish of warm Atlantic and Pacific waters ; less valued than tuna .

  7. 我象矿泉水,肉肉象彩虹鱼.哦也!

    I like a spring water & a Rianbow Fish .