
pū diàn
  • bedding;foreshadowing;cover
铺垫 [pū diàn]
  • (1) [cover]∶铺在床上的卧具

  • (2) [forshadowing]∶行将来临的事物的衬托

  • 这一段为故事的高峰做了铺垫

铺垫[pū diàn]
  1. 目的:寻找烧伤湿润医疗技术(MEBT/MEBO)治疗大面积烧伤创面的最佳铺垫材料。

    Objective : To find a bedding material to be placed in between burn wound and the sheet , for burn patients receiving MEBT / MEBO treatment , in order to reduce waste of the ointment .

  2. 这些干草可以给牲口作铺垫。

    This dried grass will make good bedding for the animals .

  3. 这些练习很有趣,而且为该课程后面的部分做了很好的铺垫。

    The exercises can be fun and a good warm-up for the latter part of the programme

  4. 在写文章时,不要把坏消息夹在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾中间。

    When you write , avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant , indirect , or overly cushioned beginning and end .

  5. 具体来说,首先,对WTO例外条款和国家经济安全的一些基本知识进行介绍,属于铺垫部分;

    First , it introduces some knowledge about exceptional items of WTO and the economic security of nation ;

  6. 本文对FAST30米模型健康监测系统进行研究,其研究成果不仅可以用于FAST30米模型,同时更重要的是为FAST原型的健康监测系统做好铺垫。

    This paper does a research on health monitoring system of FAST 30-model , its results could be applied on FAST 30-model , and the base of health monitoring system of FAST .

  7. 研究了基于VoIP网络电话的原理、系统构架,为设计电话会议平台做了铺垫。

    It analyzes the principle and the architecture of VoIP , which base design works of teleconference platform .

  8. 其次,介绍损害要件在WTO《反倾销协议》和各国反倾销法中的规定,为后面的论述做背景知识铺垫。

    The next , introduced constitutive requirements of injury determination in WTO and anti-dumping law of any other countries in order to pave the way for the latter study .

  9. 为找到FBI的破解方法,苹果已开始在其他涉及解锁iPhone的诉讼案件上做铺垫。

    Apple is already laying the groundwork to discover the FBI 's method in other court cases involving locked iPhones .

  10. 这为FFT变换算法应用到新一代多普勒雷天气雷达信号处理系统上做了很好地铺垫。

    It paves the way very well for the FFT algorithm applied to the signal processing system of the new generation Doppler weather radar .

  11. 我认为奥巴马政府为这个决定作铺垫已经有相当长时间了,华盛顿战略与国际问题研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)的葛莱仪(BonnieGlaser)表示。

    I think the administration has been paving the way for this decision for quite some time , said Bonnie Glaser of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington .

  12. 第二部分分析了企业存货风险及风险管理的含义、特点和成因,以及通过VaR方法应用到存货风险管理中的可行性分析,为存货风险的衡量做了足够的铺垫。

    Then it makes further analysis to the feasibility analysis of VaR being used in the framework of inventory , which based for risk measure of inventory .

  13. 在介绍结合算法之前,本文对基于SVM和贝叶斯的反馈算法进行了研究,为结合算法的提出做好了铺垫。

    In this thesis , we study the traditional feedback algorithm based on SVM and Bayesian before the combination algorithm is introduced and do preparation for proposing combination algorithm .

  14. Java的图像处理技术是Java实现网络交互功能的前提和基础,也为实现Java强大的动画功能提供了技术铺垫,而图像过滤器技术则在对一些图像的复杂处理上大有用武之地。

    The image disposal technology based on Java is the precondition to realize network alternate function , and it helps to realize the Java strong animation function . Image filter technology is very useful in the field of complex disposal .

  15. 第三章,通过对所选案例X市的学前教育发展状况分析,寻找实际中的问题,并为最后章节的结论做下铺垫。

    The purpose of chapter 3 is to find the practical problems by analyzing the selected case , which is on the development of pre-school education in city X , and play a supporting role for the conclusion in the last chapter .

  16. 最后并且运用SPSS软件进行因子分析,总结出影响轨道交通站点周边房地产价格的六大因子,为今后研究同一领域相关问题提供理论铺垫。

    Finally , SPSS software is used to factor analysis , to summed up six influence factors that the real estate around mass transit stations affect the price , providing theoretical foundation for the future research in same areas .

  17. 共和党发言人约翰博纳(JOHNBOEHNER)向记者表示,双方正在讨论全面的税收改革,这显然为最终协议中包含增加收入的内容做铺垫,前提是整体税率没有上升。

    Republican speaker John Boehner told reporters that comprehensive tax reform was under discussion , apparently opening the door for new revenues to be part of a final deal as long as tax rates did not increase overall .

  18. 针对机会价值的评估,引入期权理论,特别是Black-Scholes的期权定价模型,较为成功地解决了机会价值评估的问题,为网络企业整体价值的评估做了很好的铺垫。

    The theory of option is introduced when value of opportunity is valuated , especially Black-Scholes model , which resolve the problem of valuation of opportunity and lay a good foundation for valuation of Internet enterprise .

  19. 接下来对公共租赁住房采用PPP融资模式的理论基础及文献综述进行了介绍,包括相关概念的界定,以及公共租赁住房采用PPP融资模式的国内外文献综述,为后续的分析进行理论铺垫。

    Then introduced the model theoretical basis and literature review , including the definition of related concepts , as well as public rental housing use PPP financing pattern of domestic and international literature review , applied the theoretical foundation for further analysis .

  20. 科达领导的时装学院是在有远见的时尚主编戴安娜·弗里兰(DianaVreeland)铺垫的基础上发展起来的。大都会博物馆的时任馆长托马斯·霍温(ThomasHoving)任命弗里兰兼任时装学院的主管,之后的主管是艺术史学家理查德·马丁(RichardMartin)。

    While leading the institute , Mr. Koda built on the foundations laid by the visionary fashion editor Diana Vreeland , who was installed as head of the Costume Institute by the former Met director Thomas Hoving , and followed by the art historian Richard Martin .

  21. 在这一部分笔者将对ESP方法的核心部分进行详细分析,这包括需求分析(目标角度)、课程设计、ESP教师角色,目的是与本文第二章形成对应,为结论部分作铺垫。

    In this chapter , I will make a detail analysis on the core parts of ESP including ESP need analysis , material selection and ESP teachers ' roles so as to form a correspondence to chapter II and lay down the basis for final conclusion .

  22. 深刻揭示DEC在国内和国外电力工程承包市场中,面对的严峻挑战远远大于机遇,为提出DEC项目管理变革的建议作基础性铺垫。

    Therefore , DEC shall be confronted greater disadvantage challenge more than advantage opportunity in the whole power project market ; here as for the purpose of laying a firm foundation for putting forward the reform suggestion of DEC 's project management .

  23. 特别地,在R-D成像算法中,为了抑制旁瓣、提高成像质量,本文引入了对窗函数的讨论,为后续的成像仿真作以铺垫。

    Especially , in the R-D imaging procedure , in order to restrain the side lobe and improve the imaging quality , five common window functions are introduced and discussed in the present work , which makes the basis for the later imaging simulation .

  24. 生态垫在华北干旱地区调查季节内,能够明显降低土壤15cm以上的温度,表层温度变化尤为明显,日均温可降低103~138℃,并且不同土壤深度的日温差,都要低于不铺垫的;

    The study of changing afforesting soil with eco-mat in drying area show that eco-mat can decrease the soil temperature in the top 15 ! cm layer during the investigative time , and the surface soil temperature change significantly and the average surface soil temperature decrease 10.3 ~ 13.8 !

  25. 新出现的狼人Hayley仍将会在这部衍生剧中出现《吸血鬼日记》4月25号播出的那一集将会为这部衍生剧做好剧情铺垫。

    Newly introduced werewolf Hayley ( Phoebe Tonkin ) will also play a part in the story . The introduction to the spinoff will come in the form of a back-door pilot , set to air as a regular " TVD " episode on April 25 .

  26. 这个部分是全文论述的基础和整个文章的铺垫。

    This part is the foundation of the whole thesis .

  27. 第二章论述了张家川回族婚姻形成的自然文化和人文环境的背景,为论文下面的论述做了铺垫。

    The second chapter have discussed the natural environment and cultural background .

  28. 肥硕的鸟儿们到处寻找树枝铺垫它们舒适的巢儿。

    Plump feathered birds search for scraps to pad their cozy nests .

  29. 这些分析为如何扩大有效需求做了理论铺垫。

    Those analyses make the basis for how to enlarge effective demand .

  30. 从底板上拆去地毯和铺垫。

    Remove the carpet and mat from the floor panel .